d a r k s h e l v e s .

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『 some things are best not mentioned at all. 』
Dark Stories 」《 Inazuma Eleven x Reader Dark Stories


暴食。 | voracity [cannibal! fubuki shirou x reader] (available)
[ 1/? ]

+ Summary +

(Last Name) (First Name) finds herself trapped in her own horror-thriller movie when Hokkaido springs up gruesome deaths almost yearly with the population gradually decreasing. Only having her best friend from grade school, Fubuki Shirou, supporting her as her last resort of relief, she'll soon realize how wrong her beliefs about the boy were.


所持。 | possession [werewolf! ichihoshi hikaru/mitsuru x reader] (unavailable)
[ ?/? ]

+ Summary +

That Halloween party was the one party (Last Name) (First Name) has ever regretted going to. Especially when the mysterious boy she's encountered a few times before confirmed himself as a part of her new everyday routine. More or less, every night routine. A curse like this only happens once every full moon, right?


苦しめる。 | torment [wraith! fudou akio x reader] (unavailable)
[ ?/ ? ]

+ Summary +

An unlucky chance, really. A (Hair Color)-ette detective under the name of (Last Name) (First Name), more known for the covered-up alias, Anonymous, has now become an unfortunate victim of the violent ghost. Not simply a violent ghost, but the murderous spirit whose punished to walk the land permanently.


石化。 | petrified [gorgon! kidou yuuto x reader] (unavailable)
[ ?/? ]

+ Summary +

Frozen in fear, literal or not, is a phrase to be taken seriously, as (Last Name) (First Name) meets a fellow worker from a different sector. However, the encounter itself has left the female empty and tensed. Beautiful red eyes that left her as cold as stone.


動揺。 | distraught [harpy! kazemaru ichirouta x reader] (unavailable)
[ ?/? ]

偽る。 | deceive 【various! inazuma eleven】Where stories live. Discover now