Ch. 5 // Jelous Much?

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"Elsa hurry up or we are going to be late" I hear someone yell. I think it was Punzie.

I look at my clock...ITS 6:50am!

"I'm coming down! I'll be there in ten minutes" I say as I get outta bed

Okay I won't have enough time to take a shower so I go directly to brushing my teeth. I did that for two minutes and then jolted to my closet to find an outfit.

I run to my jewelry box to grab a gold necklace and small little earrings shaped with bows and I left my hair loose.

I ran down stairs to find everyone eating breakfast.

"Your breakfast is on the counter" Anna said pointing to the counter

"Oh thanks" I smiled and walk over to find 'cappuccino e cornetto' or aka I found a cappuccino and a croissant. I guess I'm gonna have to brush my teeth again because I couldn't bare giving that up.

After all of us were done eating breakfast we ran to the garage and hopped in the car - me In the drivers seat, Punzie in shotgun, Anna behind Punzie and Merida behind me.

I started the car and off we drove to school.

When we got there, we got out and went to our lockers.

"Hey Punzie how was the volcano project with Toby?" I asked starting a conversation.

"Oh it was good. Tobys really cool too" she says.

We arrived at our lockers and got our stuff ready. Flynn, Hiccup, and Kristof came and got their stuff too.

Punzie left and Flynn followed her. Anna left to the left and Kristof went to the right. Merida and Hiccup both went to the left but they weren't in the same hall. It was just Jack and I now.

"So did you bring the project?" Jack asked breaking the silence.

"One of my maids will bring it next hour" I respond while grabbing my books.

I was about to walk away but I heard a familiar voice behind me. I turn around to see Shawn.

"Elsa is that you?" He asks

"oh my gosh Shawn!" I say and hug him

"Why are you here?" He questions trying not to make it sound weird because I'm the princess of Arendalle.

"Oh um I'll tell you later" i assure. "So so how's Pacifica?" I ask

"Oh she's coming tomorrow. She had to do something back home" he explains.

"Oh my the bell is going to ring soon. What class do you have next?" I ask

"Umm gym. How about you?" He questions

"Oh that stinks. But I have math" I replied

"Oh well I got to to class. I'll hopefully see you later" I waved as a headed off

"Okay bye" he said

I'm so happy to see Shawn again.  Oh and Pacifica is Shawn's girlfriend and my best friend - besides Merida. I turn around to see Jack left. He was probably mad because I ignored him.

I walk to math and right when I turned around the corner, I notice jack stopping at the drinking fountain to go get water.

I walk up to him, but before I was going to say something he rolls his eyes, then walks away.

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