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Arthur: we got another question from ViolsaLight again and she asks...(reads question carefully) Woah.

Vivi: what? What is it?

Arthur: well, she asks: hey Lewis, Vivi ever think about having kids? If so, what would their names be and what do you think they would look like?

Lewis: oh...(blushes) well, we never thought about it. I mean it would be a good idea. But..........

Vivi: like Lew-lew said, I never thought of that. It could work out for us except......

Random deadbeat appears out or no where: Lewis is dead and that it will never happen.

Lewis: no one asked for your opinion!

Deadbeat: what? I'm just saying.

Vivi: well than keep your damn answers to yourself and besides, even if it doesn't work. We can try another way in making it happen.

Mystery: like what?

Vivi: adoption!

Lewis: yeah, that could work.

Deadbeat: but, won't Vivi grow old and you will still be 21?

Lewis: Deadbeat!

Deadbeat: what!?

Lewis: you know what? Just go do your work.

Deadbeat: but...

Lewis: LEAVE!!!!

Deadbeat: ok! Ok! ( Floats away quickly)

Lewis: (looks over to Vivi) you okay Vivi?

Vivi: what if he's right? What if it won't work?

Lewis: hey, don't say that. Even if it might not work, we can still do a good job in taking care of a child, right?

Vivi: yeah, your right. Thank you Lewis.

Arthur: ok, you too should continue answering this question.

Vivi: what? Oh yeah, the names. Hm....

Lewis: well, let's see. If we had a girl, than I would name her.... Penelope?

Vivi: That could be a good name for her and if it was a boy.... Martin?

Arthur: really? That's your boys name?

Vivi: Hey, I was trying!

Arthur: sure you was. Ok, what would they look like?

Vivi: hm..... well the girl would look like me, but she will have Lew-lew's cute eyes and hair.

Lewis: aw, and for the boy, he would look like me except he will have eyes of my beautiful Vivi.

Vivi: aw! Lew-lew!

Arthur: okay! This is starting to get awkward.

Vivi: well, theirs our answer for you.

Lewis: please send questions and dares for us to do and give this page a thumbs up.

Everyone: bye! :)

I really do hope that they get kids, they would make really good parents. Bye! :)

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