Ask #5

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Mystery: (looks at laptop) oh, ok. We have another question.

Vivi: really?

Mystery: yes, and it's for Arthur.

Arthur: for me?

Mystery: yep, it's from QueenKitten55.  This one asks "I have a question for Arthur. What is your ideal girlfriend? Also what is your favorite song?"

Arthur: (blush) m-m-my ideal girlfriend?

Vivi: Ha! Ha! Ha! Wow.

Arthur: (blushes harder) Vivi don't laugh! It's embarrassing!

Vivi: I'm sorry, it just surprised me that you got that kind of question.

Arthur: anyway, my ideal girlfriend...hmmmm. Well, since ideal means imaginary than I guess she would be the same size as Vivi. Her hair would be golden yellow. Her eyes would be dark golden. She would wear a yellow dress with a white sweater, yellow shose and a golden bracelet with a blue stone on it.

Vivi: she sounds very pretty.

Arthur: yeah, but she's not real so go figure. :(

Vivi: (puts hand on Arthur's shoulder) hey, I'm sure that there will be someone out there for you.

Arthur: really?

Vivi: really, really.

Arthur: you got that from Shrek, didn't you?

Vivi: yes, I did.

Mystery: Arthur, you have to tell them your favorite song.

Arthur: hm? Oh, right. Um, I have a lot of favorite songs. But, I guess I would have to say Losing my mind from Mystery skulls.

Vivi: oh, why is it your favorite?

Arthur: because of the best

Vivi: is that your only answer?

Arthur: for right now yes.

Mystery: well, I hope you like Arthur's answer. Please comment for more questions and dares and give us a thumbs up if you liked it. But, until then farewell.

Vivi: bye

Arthur: see ya

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