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Mystery:(looks at Vivi's laptop and sees a dare) giggles :)

Arthur, Lewis and Vivi walk in to see mystery laughing.

Vivi: mystery what's up?

Mystery: we have a dare but I don't think the boys will like it.

Arthur: what do you mean?

Mystery: well, this dare is from LycanEnder and they dare you three to do an outfit switch. That means you  or Lewis has to wear a skirt! (Laughs).

Lewis and Arthur: What!?

Vivi: Ha! Ha! Ha! Wow, this is going to be so funny.

Arthur: nope! No way! Not so chance! I'm out of here!

Vivi: Arthur wait! Come back here!

Arthur: no, I'm not doing this, I already suffered from the last dare! I'm not going to make it worse by wearing a girls outfit!

Vivi: Lewis.

Lewis: I'm on it.

Arthur: not this time Lewis! (Runs away)

Lewis: get back here Arthur! (Chases after him)

Mystery: this could take a while.

Vivi: yep

Ten minutes later

Arthur: Lewis put me down!

Lewis: nope, you are doing this with us wether you like it or not.

Arthur: but!

Lewis: no buts!

Arthur: fine!

Vivi: yes, now we can get started.

Arthur: Vivi, we can't do this. The three of us have different outfit sizes. There's no way one of us can fit the other.

Vivi: that is why I have the perfect spell for this. (Pulls out spell book)

Arthur: spell?

Vivi: yep! (Looks in book for spell) here it is, the outfit switch spell. Once I say this, the spell will randomly switch out our outfits and make them fit properly.

Lewis: wait, did you just say randomly?

Vivi: yes, yes I did.

Lewis: well, ok then. (Puts down Arthur)

Vivi: ok, here we go! Fashion sense can be a bore, switch our outfits from each other.

(Magic blue smoke appeared and surrounded them for a bit) 

(Smoke disappear) mystery: hm? Oh, ok.

Lewis: (looks down) ok, I have Arthur's outfit. Looks pretty good on me.

Vivi: hey Lew-lew.

Lewis: (looks at Vivi and begins to blush a little) woah.

Vivi: (she was wearing Lewis's suit) looks good on me, don't you think?

Lewis: yeah, you look amazing.

Vivi: aww, Lewis.

Mystery: (looks to Arthur) oh my God!

Vivi and Lewis: hm? (Both look to Arthur and is shocked).

Arthur: what, what is it?

Lewis: um, Arthur...you might want to look at your outfit.

Arthur: hm? (Looks down and sees Vivi's outfit on him) what!?

Vivi, Lewis and mystery started to laugh.

Arthur: oh, come on! Why do I have to wear the skirt!?

Vivi: hey, I said it chooses randomly. Besides, the skirt looks good on your long legs. (Laughs harder)

Arthur: (blushes) how long is this going to last!?

Vivi: for the whole day.

Arthur: uh! Great, just great!

Mystery: well, we hope you have enjoyed this dare they did. Please comment any questions or dares you want us to ask or do. Until then, farewell.

Vivi: bye

Lewis: see ya

Arthur: don't ever dare me to do this ever again!

Ok, guess that spell made Arthur look fabulous!
Arthur: hey!
It's the truth. Bye :)

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