Episode 1:the kennedy kid

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Groonk: AAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!! (Yawns)
Groonk: ....... my chest hurts.
*a faint smell of pussy stank enters the orafis of his nostril*
Groonk: my jeez, what a morning. Should I do some squats today? Or maybe fuck with the females down the stre—
Groonk: my god....
*jumps out of bed then spins in circle*
Groonk: this cant be good. The last time I smelled this, dad got shot... I can't have this happen again... not to some other little girl or boy that still has a family.
*jumps out window and lands head first on concrete from 90ft fall, gets up with no marks on glorious godlike face*
*stares into wind 5 sec for dramatic effect...*
Groonk: *waves in wind* let's go.
*groonk immediately catapults himself using is vigorously chizzled legs and makes a mad dash torwards the east. There he is met up with Cloonch, now a fucking degenerate*
Cloonch:Hey Groonk hows your morning?
Groonk: fuck off
Cloonch: you smell that smell too huh?? I think it might be coming from the east but idk. The people in our town were frantic about it meaning the doom of all straitopia but I think the pole women just forgot to wash again.
Groonk: why are you the way you are?
Cloonch: I managed to calm everyone down but later in the morning I realized that there really might be something going on so we should probably check on it like old times huh bud?
*cloonch looks at Groonk with a smile and nudge. Groonk and Cloonch have been friends for a very long time since back before 02 when they met in kindergarten. From then on they would pretty much do everything with each other from birthdays, to baths, to even girlfriends*
Cloonch: so what do you say? Best pal?
Groonk: *stares ominously into wind*
*groonk was once a happy kid, he smiled a lot, played with people he just met, socked children, and even conversed like a normal person at one point. But ever since that day his father died in that limousine ride, he immediately became swoll. This was 15 years ago and now he is 17*
Groonk:*still stares into wind letting pussy stank hit his eyeballs*
Cloonch: we can't work together if we aren't a team.
Groonk: *stares back at Cloonch then at mountains* I don't wanna.
Cloonch: HURRAY!!!! Just like old times right pal?
Groonk: fucking chocladite
Cloonch: well I guess we better be on our way to the transgender mountains then. Wanna take a bird? Or maybe a cab I can pay the fair-
*Groonk immediately flexes his muscles, slingshotting him strait torwards the mountains at a velocity that would make a rocket jealous*
Cloonch: hahaha that's our Groonk..... I can't wait to end him.....

......... to be continued

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2019 ⏰

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