Chapter 1| Anne finds out.

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Anne meanders down the stairs of Green Gables, stories and ideas of mischief flowing through her thoughts. She lazily drags her fingers softly down the banister.

Her socked foot meets the cold floor of the dining room. She looks up at the table, taken aback at the sight of one of her favorite people, Bash, exchanging a few words with Marilla.

"Thank you for this, Bash. Matthew and I really appreciate it." Marilla says, standing along with Sebastian.

Bash smiles and bows a little, "Happy to be of service to the Cuthberts ma'am, you all have been nothing but kind to me." He turns and faces the quiet redhead standing at the foot of the staircase, "I look forward to spending the week with you, miss Anne."

With that, he bows once more and saunters out the door. Anne gives Marilla an inquiring look.

"Matthew and I will be heading out past Charlottetown next week, and Bash was more than happy to offer you asylum while we are away."

Anne nods, "What about the Barry's? Why couldn't I stay with my dear Diana over the week you are away?"

Marilla nods, "Of course, we asked them first, but Mr. Barry is taking the whole family out to go visit Aunt Josephine."

Anne pulls out a chair from the table and slumps into it, "Typical." She grumbles.

"Now, now, Anne, you must be grateful someone has agreed to take you in at all." Marilla scolds.

"Yeah." Anne sighs, pushing her way toward the kitchen, and putting on the kettle.

Anne hums a little while she pours water into the pot, then goes to set it over the fire. A thought races through her mind, making her gasp, and almost drop the kettle.

Marilla looks at her in alarm, "Are you alright, Anne?" Anne shakes her head, "I'm going to be spending the entire week with Gilbert Blythe." His name on her lips making her shiver a little.

Marilla smiles, "Yes, Bash mentioned to me that Gilbert is excited to spend the week with you."

Anne chokes.

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