Chapter 1

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"Get up!" Aria shook her head vigorously, wishing he would go away and let her sleep. "Mum said I have to get you up or I don't get bacon"

"Not my problem" she mumbled into her pillow. "You're so lazy!" He snorted. "Fuck off" she groaned, turning to look at him.

"Ha! You have bed head" Alex jeered. "Shut up" She lobbed her pillow at his head, but he ducked, still laughing.

"Go away Alex" She grumbled, pissed because not only had she missed his head, she had lost her pillow.

"Fine, but if you're not down in five, then I'm taking the car and leaving you here" he challenged. "You wouldn't dare" she growled.

"Try me" he taunted, sprinting out of her room.
She threw off her cover and ran after him, thundering down the stairs and coming to a halt in the kitchen.

"Alex stop teasing your sister" Aria pulled a face at her twin brother and gave her mother a hug.

"Hey at least I got her out of bed" he smirked, stealing a grape. "Why the hell are you up so early! It's the first day of senior year!" She grunted. "I'm not lazy" he grinned, wiggling his eyebrows.

Aria rolled her eyes, but she couldn't disagree. Her brother was now captain of the varsity football team, which he was totally letting go to his head.

He had practice before school, and they had to share a car, which meant she had to get up at the crack of dawn.

She sighed and finished making her avocado toast. Alex rambled on about football stuff, which she didn't understand. Alex was popular, she was not, so they didn't really talk at school.

Aria had friends, correction, one friend, Maya Bennet, her best friend since kindergarten.

"Earth to Aria?" She slapped his hand away, which was being waved in her face and got up.
"You're an ass" she said, frustrated.

"And you're a ray of sunshine, the very reason I wake up in the morning" he said sarcastically, flicking her hair.

She grunted in response before trudging upstairs, ignoring whatever he was saying.

Her phone rung across the room, making her desk vibrate in sync with its ringtone.

Aria grabbed the phone, answering and putting it on speaker before sitting on her bed, trying to figure out what the hell she was going to wear.

"Hello!" Maya's voice blared through the speakers, how everyone sounded so awake was completely beyond her.

"I need coffee" she groaned, rubbing her face, in annoyance, "why does Alex have practice on the first damn day" she tried to make her frustration very clear.

Maya laughed, "364 more days of this!" "Ugh don't remind me" Aria began lazily pulling her hairbrush through her hair, tugging on the tangles until it fell into loose curls.

"What do I even wear?" She wondered out loud. Maya began to list off the contents of her wardrobe, and she finally settled on something.

She picked out the clothes and paired them with some wedges. With a quick glance in the mirror, she decided she couldn't be bothered with her hair and grabbed her phone, slinging her bag around her shoulder.

"I'm still in bed" Maya laughed, "That's because your dad drives you to school" Aria said, finally feeling awake enough to talk properly.

She rifled through her bag, making sure she had everything, before saying goodbye to Maya, and dragging herself down the stairs.

"I made you coffee!" Alex said, with a massive grin on his face. She grabbed it eagerly out of his hand and took a long drink. "Steady there" he laughed, pulling open the door.

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