Chapter 23

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Hours passed it felt like time stayed in an endless pain far worse then being in a slumber. I never knew I could feel pain again until you almost lose the only person who was there with you. I stood up off of the couch and looked at her as her nose began to bleed I got on my knees and cried.

"I don't know if  you can hear me but I just want you to know you are everything to me before I met you I never knew someone would be able to make me feel human again. When I met you one that boardwalk that night I knew there was something different about you. And I want you to know I'm not mad about this baby and I'm not mad if you want to leave I don't want you to suffer anymore so if you wanna let go. Go ahead" I cried as I held her hand I looked up and nothing. I stood up and made my way to the door as I heard coughing and a gasp.

Jasmine's POV

I coughed and gasped as blood came up into my hand David ran back towards me holding me "its feels like I just got stabbed with a porcupine" I groaned "Fernando! Jayden!" David called out I turned my head as they ran through the doors I turned my legs and stood up falling into the ground.

"I'm glad your okay" i turned my head to my father as I nodded "Mom says she knew you would save me because it isn't my time" I told him for the first time I saw my father tear up. "My baby, my baby is it okay?" I cried "I'm afraid the chances are slim" My father said with a shaky voice "Leah!" My father called out Jayden helped me up as he laid me back down on the table lifting my shirt. A middle aged women walked in with a smile "I'm a witch" she whispered as she closed her eyes chanting as she touched my stomach I looked as blood began to drip from her nose. Her eyes shot open as she jumped back "It's alive" she shouted wiping her nose.

I sighed as I put my hand on my stomach "was there perhaps a witch in your family Mrs. Reyes?" She asked I shook my head no, "not that I'm aware I didn't know anything about supernaturals" she laughed "Well whatever your holding isn't just a hybrid it's a tribrid" I coughed as I choked on my breath.

"Is that even possible?" I asked my dad avoided eye contact "You owe me this dad" I said "your mother was half witch that's why you could talk to her her you once you became a vampire you lost connection to earth" he explained "My family continues to get weirder and weirder" I sighed. I wrapped my arms around David's waist as I laid my head on his chest.

My dads phone rang as I jumped David ribbed my back to calm me "Yes I understand mayor but..... well if things were that simple I would except..... okay, we'll be there" my dad sighed as he broke his phone in half. "The mayor is holding a ball tonight and is requesting that all Mafia family must show up. Even you Jasmine" he ordered "You are kidding right how are we supposed to cover me being a middle child yet looking like I'm eighteen will my younger sisters are like in their thirties" I complained.

"I don't know I'll figure something out I just wished we didn't all have to be in a social event especially after yesterday" he leaned against the door frame.

"I'll gather your brothers and sisters. Jayden, you stay here with them and protect your sister make sure nothing happens" my dad ordered Jayden nodded.

"Oh and Jasmine, I'm sorry" the door shut before I could say anything back to my dad "is it a ball requiring a corset?" I asked "I think so I mean it is the mayor and you know dad likes to one up other families especially by having kids" he joked " I haven't seen anyone beside you and Julian" My brother looked shocked "when did you see Julian?! He's back?" He questioned "Yeah I saw him a few days ago in wolf form fighting a vampire. Did you not know he's back?" I questioned he shook his head in response.

"How are the sisters?" I asked "they have kids I suppose by now that's all I'm aware of your cuts haven't healed yet. And I'm afraid David isn't allowed to go" David sighed accepting "I promise I won't let her out of my sight she'll be with us" Jayden said a girl walked in with an assistant "You two follow me" she ordered I stood up and wobbled Jayden Locked his arm in mine assisting me down the stairs into another room filled with dresses and suits.

"You over there" the lady ordered I nodded and stood on the stand and looking in the mirror my face hadn't healed yet and I wasn't sure why. "The theme is Victorian each one of your sisters will match with one of your brothers. You will be matching Jayden and I'm aware not to make the corset too tight." She winked you will be wearing a blood red dress she giggled.

"Very funny" I snorted "speaking of blood darling. I've coughed up a lot so would you mind getting me something to drink" I asked she rolled her eyes and she reached into a fridge shoving a straw into a blood bag I licked my lips as my canines were replaced with fangs I took a drink as I felt bliss. I smiled as she measured my waist "Luckily you aren't showing too much nobody will even notice really" the lady said.

I smiled as I finished the blood bag "we have a velvet wine red dress with black it should fit perfect with you and your Brother" she smiled I nodded as a gown was brought in. Black under with wine red above slightly to show the black under with black bows at the bottom to match the waist lining and and shoulder completed with a black lace choker. I smiled as the corset was placed on me "Let me know when it's too tight" the assistant shyly said I nodded as she laced it up after the dress was put on and tightened in the back. It was paired with black heels.

"You look stunning" the girl noted. I smiled as my curled hair was let down I turned to my brother who matched.

"Hopefully these heal soon" I said touching my face as some bruises faded" he sighed as he touched my cheek. I pulled my cheek away I whispered, "it's fine" I kept my gaze towards the ground before the door
Opened I turned around looking at one of my sisters. She hadn't aged severely keeping her youthful looks "looks like you're the little sister now"Izabella said I laughed as i walked towards her with open arms.

" Hello, little brother" Izabella said to Jayden "You really lost your baby fat" she joked I chuckled as I looked in the mirror both of my siblings fully visible while I was transparent.

"Dad said for you both to go greet everyone while we get dressed" I sighed as I walked out the door

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