Chapter 24

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I lifted my dress as I walked down and saw my brothers lined up beside my sisters "Alexis, Julianna, Ariel" I said they looked at me as they're human wrinkles showed. "Still looks just as she did before she left" Alexis said in awe "I would hope so" I said I smiled as she embraced me I looked at my brothers are they sniffed "So it is true" I nodded. "Let's get going" my dad appeared from a room to my left leading us outside I looked up and saw the moon and smiled. I got in the car as my sisters stared at me before asking, " so does your face change too?" I nodded in reply "I can show you if you would like I won't hurt you" they looked at each other before nodding.

I closed my eyes before my canines were replaced with fangs and my eyes a more focused version I opened my eyes and opened my mouth. "I just got these yellow-red eyes" I said before retracing my fangs. They gasped scared "I won't hurt you I've had a few practices with restraining myself" I said the car came to a stop as the driver opened the door letting us out. We looked at the pillars and steps before us as my brother latched his arm in mine. "Let's get this party started" he laughed grinning I could see his nails transitioning "control yourself for crying out loud" I complained I walked through the doors as I fixed my dress.

My father lead us to a staircase crowded with humans and supernatural I followed as he lead us into a room and before us stood an old man. I smiled as he looked at all of us "I'm guessing you're Jasmine?" He asked I nodded "Yeah, that would be me" I said shyly I heard a heartbeat to the right of me "Who's in there?" I asked as the bathroom door opened low and behold.

"Sam?!" I asked "Jasmine?" He replied confused "I'm assuming you already know my daughter and she knows your son" my dad said fixing his suit. "We met at the boardwalk I didn't know you were a werewolf and that you were his daughter. That would explain why a dog showed up" he said my brother growled "That is the dog right there my older brother Julian" I answered.

"Well why don't you two go downstairs and accompany the guests I'll be talking to your dad up here" we both nodded as Sam lead me out "So are you a werewolf like them because your sisters seem Normal from what I hear" Sam asked I sighed, "I'm different you could say I don't know much about my sisters" he nodded as we stood at the bottom of the staircase. "I wonder what they're talking about" Sam asked "I could tell you I have super hearing as well" he grinned as I closed my eyes listening past all the loud conversations to focus on one.

"I didn't know there were so many of you are you sure there's nothing to worry about" i was pulled out as I heard gun shots going off I looked around to find them but was dragged by Sam. I looked around as he pushed a fireplace he waited for me to enter as I put my foot forward I fell to the ground and clutches my hair as my head rang from a high pitched scream. I could hear others groaning as a loud scream echoed ,"Jasmine!!! " I felt my fangs erupt as I had no control but to find the voice I ran up the stairs and knocked the door off the hinges as my sister Alexis was on the floor as a vampire tried to bite her I appeared behind him and grabbed his shirt yanking him backwards onto the wall. I stomped towards him as he jumped off the wall onto me crashing us into the wall I laughed as he grabbed my arm i bit down and grabbed his hair pulling back to expose his neck before biting a chunk out.

He dropped as other wolves appeared I spit the skin out and helped my sister up. "How did you do that?" I asked as I rubbed my head as the ringing went away "I don't know I just felt like I needed to scream" she said I turned as my claws emerged and fur began to sprout "I gotta go" I said as I started ripping the dress off running out. Despite the speed giving me an advantage and occasionally losing control and knocking into a tree I made it to the Woods. I judged and puffed as I fell onto the floor screaming as my body formed I heard footsteps and light coming my way. I groaned as I tried to stop the transformation fighting the wild but it was no use. My fur sprouted on my hands as I was fully engulfed in wolf form.

I looked around almost like a movie playing out I could smell the teens not to far away the sexual tension was enough to kill me. I sniffed around looking for anything to eat beside a human.

"Look over here guys" I whipped my body around smelled and gnashing my teeth as the boy grabbed a stick inching closer as his friends got closer. I put my paws down and growled howling as a stick hit my stomach I looked back at the person as flashlights were on me.

"Guys I don't think we should be messing with it" a girl said with glasses and short brunette hair. "Come on Lilith it won't do anything it's just a stupid dog" a guy said. I lunged onto the boy and bit at his neck hopping off into the shadows circling them. They looked around with their lights one by one i picked them off and the girl with glasses remained I walked out liking my lips before sniffing her she balled up and shut her eyes. I walked off into the woods leaving her.

I huffed as I walked along looking around making sure nobody was around before shifting I moved my neck around as I looked for something to hide my stomach. I wondered towards a trailer park and grabbed clothing off of the long before a intoxicated girl came out with a shiny bedazzled pistol. I looked at her before I grabbed her shoulders looking into her eyes.

"You saw nothing you just got home and went to take a nap" i waited as she repeated as I grabbed her gun twirling it on my index finger. "Jasmine!" I turned around and saw Sam "I didn't hurt her I just really liked this gun" I said as I cocked it. "Come on people are gonna start noticing the mess you made in the woods" I rolled my eyes.

"How about you stick to worrying about humans stuff and I will worry about me" I said as I smelled the air "I suggest you leave they aren't going to be happy with you here" I ordered "wh-" Sam was cut off by Dwayne's hand gripped his shoulder "Jasmine is this imbecile bothering you?" He said tightening his grip. "No, it's okay Dwayne. Thank you though" I said as Paul appeared behind me putting her arm around me "you really don't quit do you?" He laughed pushing him "I'm gonna give you a message not because I don't like you. Well I don't but because David told me so" I looked at Paul before his fist connected with the right side of Sam's face and his left hitting his stomach as Dwayne held him. "Paul" Paul put his index finger up signaling me to shut up he crouched down to Sam's body on the ground. "This is your last warning if I catch you around her again or if any of our secrets get out loved boy I'll paint that Santa Carla sign with your blood" Paul gripped his shirt as Sam spit out blood as Dwayne gave him a kick for not replying causing him to cough.

"Paul, Dwayne that's enough!" I said "Actually, keep going" Marko said as he took a lollipop from his lips Paul laughed as he continued to punch him. "Marko stop them" I said "I'm sorry but David said not to stop until he's black and blue and well he's just red" I rolled my eyes before shouting, "David!" "Calm down babe I'm right here" David said I turned around and saw him smirking as he lit his cigarette "Make them stop or you'll be flying two unconscious bodies home" I growled "Calm down all you had to do was ask. Paul, Dwayne I think that's enough" David said Paul and Dwayne stopped as Paul hit him one more time David flashed next to him punching him "when I say stop you stop Paul" Paul groaned "It's the only fun we get nowadays with wolves everywhere and stupid little vamps thinking they claim everything we don't get much action. And plus we're hungry" Paul sighed "Then I'm sure you can find something to eat in this place" they all laughed before Paul grabbed Marko before Disappearing.

I walked over to Sam struggling to breathe I tried to help him up but he pushed me away. " David do you think maybe his dad happens to be the mayor what if he finds out about what you did huh? And don't you dare think of compelling him to forget I'm sure you've done enough" I argued. "Oh alright" David walked over to Sam as he flinched at David's touch he helped him up "No hard feelings huh? I mean that's my girl and I'd do anything for you so you understand that I only told them to stop because she cares for you blood bag. If she wasn't here believe me you wouldn't even make it home" David Warned. I punched David as he laughed before pulling me in for a kiss as he held Sam's body up. "I like it when you're angry let's get this boy you somehow care about home" he said smacking my ass I hissed "I'm still mad at you and I'll take him" I said grabbing Sam.

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