Chapter 13- Team Natsu Is Back Together!

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Lucy's P.O.V

Apparently, the whole of team Natsu was chosen for the team. I pretty excited about the Grand Magic Games! Not just so our guild can be number 1, But because last time I came in last place in all the games I was in. I bet the public thinks I'm the weakest of the guild. But now that I've come back better than before and as a dragon slayer, I think I'm going to nail this. Right now the team is in the train and all the dragon slayers are barf cakes including me and Wendy. I forgot to take my motion sickness pills with me.

"W-Wendy! P-please, Use your s-spell!" Natsu moans.

"I-I'm S-Sorry! My Tummy w-won't l-let me!" Wendy replies.

"D-Don't w-worry you guys! I c-can take c-care of i-it" I say.

I quickly cast troya on Natsu and Wendy.

"Whoa! I didn't know you could do that Luce!" Natsu says Impressed.

"Y-yeah! But P-Please W-Wendy, Cast it on m-me!" I cry in pain.

"Oh! Sorry!" She quickly casts it on me.

"Ah ~ Sweet relief!" I say relieved.

"As a Celestial Fire Dragon Slayer, I have healing magic" I say with a matter of a fact.

"Cool ~ " Everyone says.

~~~~Time Skip~~~~

When we got there, we all went to our hotels early cause we didn't want a repeat of last time, plus we've already seen the kingdom. We were getting ready for the preliminary round when Natsu came over and kissed my cheek.

"What was that for?" I asked.

"For good luck!" he said with a cheeky grin.

I giggled. "Thanks, but I'm not sure I'm going to need it"

"Well, you never know" He said.

"Ugh! Get a Room!" Gray said as we turned around.

"Shut Up Popsicle Stick!" Natsu yelled.

"Wanna Say That To My Face!" Gray yelled back.

"Guys, this isn't time for-" I was cut off.

"SHUT UP BOTH OF YOU!!!" Erza yelled in a dark voice.

"Yes Ma'am!" they both said in unison.

Me and Wendy just laughed at them. After a while, it turned midnight. The building started shaking. Because troya was cast on us earlier, we didn't really get sick. The Giant pumpkin started giving us directions and the game started.

"Ugh! This is taking too long!" I said getting annoyed.

"Star Dress: Aquarius Form!" I transformed.

"What are you trying to do Lucy?" Natsu asked me.

"You'll see" I said.

"Aqua Wings!" I chanted.

Suddenly, Wings made out of water sprouted out my back. As I flew up I saw everyone looked Dumbfounded. I went all the way up and spotted the finish line. So I flew down and changed back to what I was wearing.

"I found the finish line! Let's Go!" I said excitedly.

"U-Um Lucy..." A confused Erza said.

" Don't Worry About That Now! Let's Go!" I said Seriously/Playful.

"O-OK..." They all said in Unison.

After a while, we made it in First Place! I'm actually pretty surprised, but i'm still happy!

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