Chapter 17- What Are You Doing...

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Hey guy~ 

Sorry I haven't updated in a while, but don't blame me... Blame my stupid teachers for giving so much freakin' homework! Anyway, I hope you guys like this chapter!


Lucy's P.O.V-

Yesterday was the end of day 3 of the Grand Magic Games. Fairy Tail is still in the lead but that Heartfilia's revenge guild is catching up quickly, It's been so weird. Why is my last name in the guilds name? Why do the people smell so familiar? It's all just a big mystery, But that's not the only thing. Natsu has been acting pretty weird too. He's been distant, every time I see him he has this guilty expression on his face. And every time I ask him if he's ok, He wouldn't answer, say he's fine, or walk away. I really want to help him but I can't If doesn't tell me what's wrong.

Right now our team is in the stadium. Yesterday, Wendy fought some girl in Mermaid heel in the battle portion of the game and won. Gray and Erza just came back from doing the game part and got 1st place, so we have a total of 49 points right now. So now we only have the battle portion. I have a feeling that they will pick me and Natsu but I'm not sure whats gonna happen. I don't even know what is going on with our relationship. I miss how he would kiss me or hug me out of nowhere but that doesn't seem likely anymore.

"Fairy Tail has been Kicking butt this whole week! Will they come out on top, or lose to the guild behind them?" The announcer guy said.

The crowd went crazy. It seems they do this a lot and it's kinda annoying but comforting at the same time. Weird right?

"Now that we have ended the game portion, it is time for the battle portion between Fairy Tail, and Heartfilia's Revenge! It will be a tag team battle, so please choose your contestants carefully!"

"Hey, Natsu and Lucy haven't gone today or yesterday" Gray said.

"Yeah, don't you think the crowd wants to see Fairy Tail's #1 couple" Erza said grinning.

I blushed and looked over to Natsu. He had his head down and his eyes were covered by his bangs. Once again, looking very guilty. 

"Y-Yeah, sure..." he mumbled sadly.

"What's wrong Natsu-san?" Wendy asked worried.

"Nothing, just tired" he said.

"Are you sure? It looks like your lying dude" Gray said.

"Are you hiding something Natsu?" Erza said.

Natsu just shook his hand and started walking away. I quickly ran over and grabbed his hand. 

"Natsu, Please tell me what's wrong. It hurts to see you like this..." I said concerned.

He pulled his hand away from mine and looked into my eyes. He looked angry, pissed, guilty, and sad.

"I said I was Fine!" he glared at me.

I felt the heat of his glare on my skin. It scared me and reminded me of the not so pleasant times. I think he saw how scared I was and his face immanently softened. 

"I'm sorry Lucy, I didn't mean to yell" he said with sincerely. 

"I-it's fine..." my voice was shaking.

I just walked past him and went onto the arena. I could sense his guilt and I know he didn't mean it but... Whats going on with us? It feels like we're drifting apart.

"Fairy Tail has picked Natsu and Lucy, and Hearfilia's Revenge has also chosen, but it seems like it's only one person!" the announcer guy says.

Only 1 person? How strong is this person gonna be? The crowd just roared, they were excited.

"Why can't you say their names?" some random dude in the crowd yelled.

"Their names are private! Know one is allowed to know except us!"

Just Great! Now I'll never figure out anything. 

"Hey!" The person yelled.

I swear, I've heard their voice from somewhere, but where?

"Huh?" I answered back.

"Let's make a wager..."


"I can tell that you've been wondering whats going on with our guilds name..."

How'd she know? I saw Natsu in the background looking worried and guilty. Whats his deal?

"Yeah, so what?"

"If I win... You have to quit Fairy Tail..."

"What?! Why?!"

"You didn't let me finish Blondie!" she snarled.

"If you win... I'll tell you who I am"

"Looks like the opponent has offered a deal with Ms. Heartfilia" the announcer guy yelled.

I was skeptical. Why does this person want me to leave Fairy Tail so bad? And why are they so familiar? This doesn't add up. The worst part about it was that Natsu was just standing there with a guilty expression and his arms crossed. He was acting like he was a part of this but... He couldn't be, right?

"Fine... I'll play along to your game" 

"So it's a deal?" I saw the person smirk.


The crowd and The other guilds were roaring. I looked over to see Fairy Tail's expression and the all look worried.

"Lucy! Don't do this!" I heard Erza yell from the crowd.

"Please Lucy-san! Think this threw" Wendy said while holding back tears.

"Lucy! We believe in you!" Gray said.

The whole guild was shouting encouraging things but Natsu stood there with a blank expression on his face. Isn't he my freaking Boyfriend?! Maybe he never really liked me... Stop Lucy! Think positive thoughts!

Suddenly, I heard a gong.


As soon as he said that, the girl sprinted for me. She threw and attack but I dodged. 

"Celestial Dragon..." 

"Crap..." she mumbled. 

I saw her glance over to Natsu.

"Glittering Fis-" I was cut off.

It was Natsu...

He used Fire dragon roar on me so that I couldn't hit her. 

"Natsu! What the hell!" I screamed at him.

He didn't respond. He had a just attacked his own girlfriend! I'm seriously confused right now.

After a while of us fighting, I start to realize something. What is it you ask? Natsu is helping the enemy! He keep blocking my attacks from hitting her and I think the guild realized to. I heard them in the crowd telling him to stop but he didn't listen. 

"N-Natsu, why are you doing this..." I said.

I felt hot tears rolling down my cheek. It hurts when the one you love betrays you, but














That's it for this chapter!

Bye Minna!

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