Chapter 3: From New Couple to Parents

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After picking up: diapers, a few bottles, formula, and a crib with a mobile, Izuku and Momo make their way back to the dorms with Momo holding the sleeping baby in her arms as Izuku carries all the stuff over his back with one hand. Upon arrival, everyone stopped what they were doing in the common area and stared at the pair holding a sleeping white haired baby. Bucky spittaked his beer all over Kirishima upon seeing the new family.

"Holy shit... Todoroki did say you were going to get laid. What's the brats name?" he asks recovering from the shock as well as coughing.

"We had a run in with Overhaul... Momo killed him but we didn't get their in time her parents were already killed and she has no living relatives which makes us her parents now. Her name is Eri Romanov-Rogers," Izuku answers setting down all the supplies.

"That bastard... Ponytail probably killed him quickly didn't she? That sadistic fucker deserved an excruciatingly painful death," Katsuki responds hissing at the mention of the now dead villain Overhaul.

"Shot through the heart, penetrated both ventricles death would have been almost been instantaneous," Momo responded "It was a hollow point .45 caliber round so it probably was instant."

"That's to good for him, he deserved far worse for all the heroes he's killed and families he has destroyed," Kirishima says taking a sip of his scotch before putting out his cigar seeing as there is an infant in the room.

"Cap, you and Ponytail need to see if the baby will even drink formula of not then you'll have a big problem if ponytail over there can't feed her," Katsuki adds looking at the sleeping baby. "Pity, such an innocent child didn't deserve to have her parents murdered... at least she has you two now."

Izuku smiled and said, "Yeah, she does... Oh and Bucky?"

"Yes?" Bucky asked before his eyes widened. "NO! NO! I AM NOT DOING IT!"

Eri then woke up crying, causing the new couple turned parents glared at the Winter Soldier.

Bucky sighed and said, "Alright, fine. I'll do it."

"You know the bet now, Go to lady pool and you know the rest," Izuku says with a coy smile as Momo looks on in confusion.

Katsuki stands up, looks Izuku dead in the eye before walking over to the recliner where Ladypool is. Katsuki walks straight over to her, picks her up out of the chair before kissing her on the lips for a few seconds before releasing her and slapping Toga on the ass as hard as he can leaving the daughter of death a blushing stuttering mess.

"Well you got me at one thing Buck, I haven't kissed Momo yet," Izuku says looking at the dazed and lovestruck Ladypool on the floor with a nosebleed.

"Then why don't you just kiss me and get it over with?" Momo asked her voice suddenly sounding like a succubus's voice and allowing her Russian accent slip with a bit.

Izuku blushed and kissed Momo on the lips in front of everyone, and when they separated, Toru said, "Aw... And I had an entire plan to get you two together!"

Momo and Izuku both looked at Toru and Izuku said, "Sorry to spoil your fun Toru."

Toru pouted, from what Izuku could tell and Mina said, "So you two adopted a baby... Do you know how hard it'll be to care for her and do homework at the same time?"

"We'll get through it," Izuku replied taking Eri from Momo. "Besides, we have all of you to help us out whenever we need it."

"Since you have a baby... Will you two be moving in together? *Gasp* ARE YOU TWO GETTING MARRIED?!" Mina shouts causing Eri to stir and open her large ruby red eyes seeing her new parents for the first time.

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