Chapter 13: True Lab

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The elevator is dropping like a water falling to the ground as it crashes, thankfully Frisk didn’t die but just minor injuries when the elevator door opens itself.

Frisk: Ohh... great.

Frisk leaves the elevator.

Frisk: I'd better find Alphys before
something bad was about to happen...

As he enters the next room which is the room that has a television and only one VHS tape.

Frisk: What's this?

Chara: That’s the VHS tape, it contains my family’s memories. Try to open it.

Frisk looked at the VHS, he put it on the television as the static is heard when the video is clearer; it was revealed that Toriel is recording the camera in the bed with Asgore.

Frisk: Is that Toriel and Asgore?

Chara: Yeah, that’s them, try to keep quiet so that we can continue watching.

Frisk and Chara were watching television together looking at Chara’s family videos.

Toriel: Psssst, Wake up Fluffybuns.

Asgore: Mmm? (yawning) What is it, dear? ...err, and why do you have that video camera?

Toriel: Shush, I want to get your reaction. Gorey, dearest. What is my favorite vegetable?

Asgore: Hmmm... Carrots, right?

Toriel: No no no! My favorite vegetable is... Eda"mom"e! (laughing) Get it?

Asgore: ...Go back to bed, dear.

Toriel: No no, not yet! Now, If I were a dog, what breed of dog would I be?

Asgore: I don't know, honey. What kind of dog would you be?

Toriel: I would be... A "Mom"eranian!

Toriel and Asgore were laughing.

Asgore: You are are excited to have this child, you know, If you make jokes like this. One day, you can be a famous "Mom"edian.

Toriel: (yawning) Well, I am going to bed.

Asgore: Hey, come on, Tori. That one was funny.

Toriel: Hahaha, I know, I am just teasing you. I better turn it off, well goodnight dear.

Asgore: Goodnight, honey.

Then the next video shows Asriel filming Chara.

Asriel: Okay Chara, it's on!

Chara: Alright then, here we go... (jumps on a rock with wooden sword and shield) All humans in the surface have no fear, It is I; Chara is now back here! With my good friend who helped me take care of me...

Asriel: (jumps on a rock with him as he also got with wooden sword and shield) Asriel! I'm the young prince of monsters with my father King Asgore Dreemurr and mother Toriel! We mean you all no harm, we're just harmless monsters, we want peace and harmony without war!

Chara: Oh you... (he grabs Asriel head and gives him a noogie) Come here!

Asriel: Chara! (laughing) Stop noogie-ing my hair!

Chara and Asriel fell on the soft ground with no injuries, when a small music box fell from Chara's pocket when Asriel noticed.

Asriel: Hey, what is that?

Chara: Oh, that's my own music box. I made this in the surface I was about to show it to my family, they were going to love it... (feeling sad) But they're gone...

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