Chapter 2

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"Mia... please stop crying. I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier but the reason why I'm telling you right now is the fact that I love you and I care about you. You're like a sister to me."


"I know what they did was wrong. But you have to understand that it was just not meant to be. Nathan is...I never told you because I thought it might hurt you as I knew how much you liked him. But he is an a*shole. He always was and he always will be. You knew it yourself but you never accepted it."

Marissa, that sweet little angel. She is here comforting me here when she has thousands of jobs to do. But she is here, with me just because of that cheating bastard.

I know you might think that I am overreacting. Honestly, I too am confused, why the hell am I so emotional? It's not like we had planned to get married and have kids and blah blah blah.

But we've been together for two and a half years. Correction: HAD.
So yes, it does hurt. He was always so sweet to me. I just thought that he was different. And the fact that he was my first boyfriend... hurts even more. Because from first boyfriend, he became my first pathetic cheating boyfriend and my first break up.

So... I guess it was a good choice not to give him my first kiss? I don't know. I never expected him to give me something more than he already did.

He kept on pestering me to sleep with him. After I blew up on him last week, I guess he understood. Who the hell am I talking about?! The right sentence is 'He gave up.' And instead of me... He slept with my best friend or should I say ex-best friend.

It was hard to digest. The moment I saw both of them cuddling and kissing on bed this evening...I literally threw up. For a second I was embarrassed thinking what others might think of me right now.

Tonight's been really very stressful. I guess, the only positive outcome is that I am single and free again. That is if that's supposed to be positive.
Gosh I'm so confused!

I always noticed the signs but I don't know why I always chose to ignore them. This shit's bad.


I just wanna lay on the bed, doing absolutely nothing because I guess that's the only way I can relax right now.

And that's what I do. I finally stop crying and ask Marissa to let me be alone for sometime and I thank her for being there with me.

As I lay on my bed, I think. I think of almost everything. I think about the stars, the flowers, the peace tuning this room in its symphony.

Thinking about rain and the music it makes, the pitter patter, pitter patter, pitter patter, so rhythmic and peaceful. So beautiful.

I think about the stars. Those beautiful shimmering stars as I recall a haiku that I once wrote.

Gazing the shimmering starry dots

Without trepidation whilst lying over the petrichor

Mirthfully lost in absolute empyrean

The trepidation...the fear... it's slowly fading away.

I may not be over the sweet petrichor... but I'm on a soft cushiony bed. And moreover it gives a similar feeling.

When I'm thinking like this in peace, and harmony, in comfort I'm in my absolute empyrean;paradise and I feel contented about all that I have.

And I am back. Happy Mia... Smiling her heart out. Okay I dumped him, so now I am free and it's something to celebrate!!!

I'll just call Mari and tell her we're going out and that dinner's on me.

As soon as I pick up the phone it starts ringing and I see the caller ID. It's Miss Robinson, my favourite professor!!

"Hello Miss Robinson!! I'm so happy that you called. It's been a long time since we've talked, you know."

"Good evening, darling. It feels so nice to hear your sweet voice. So how have you been? How is Nathan and how are you how your studies going on?"

"To answer the first question, I'm better now. For the second, it's a bad news...umm... I broke up with Nathan and I...uh...he was cheating on me with Jenny. So I just ended it. About studies, well you know that studies suck but I guess it's going fine." I said in a jolly voice because I was jolly.

"Oh dear, you don't deserve someone like Nathan. That is so wrong of him but from hearing your voice I guess you have moved on and I am really happy about it. Good job, dear!" She said making me giggle.

"And how are the nightmares, my dear? Have they reduced?" Ooh... I didn't want her to talk about that.

"Well not drastically but I guess I can sleep." I couldn't. Still couldn't. But...oh well. It doesn't hurt to lie...does it?

"That's great to hear. We'll continue our therapy and I promise my dear it will be over forever and you won't have to live through that again." She said in a sweet tone.

"Yes, of course. Okay, Miss...I'll hang up now. I promised Mari to hang out with her."

"Yeah, okay, dear. But I wanted to tell you about the boy you have to tutor. He has agreed and I really hope that with your company he'll improve in multiple areas. Have a great night and take care. Bye." She hangs up.

So I've got someone to tutor now. It's going to be nice. I'm sure he's friendly!

As soon as she hangs up I call Mari and tell her about my plan for tonight and she seems surprised at first but then she seems to get along.

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