Day (17)

468 30 15

Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu


(1) The voice actors for Mickey and Minnie Mouse are married in real life.

(2) The word "dinner" comes from the french word "disner" which means 'breakfast'.

(3) If your blood vessels were laid end to end,they would stretch around Earth two and a half times.

(4) If you had a high level of testosterone before you were born, your ring finger is usually longer than your index finger.(Check your fingers soon,I don't have)

(5) Hopping mice do not drink.They get all the water they need form their diet of seeds,berries,leaves,green plants and insects.

(6) The humpback whale is named for its habit of arching its back out of the water before a dive.

(7) Seven of the world's best-selling newspapers are japanese.

(8) Flocks of ravens have been known to peck lambs to death.No wonder a group of these birds is known as "an unkindness of ravens"

(9) The microscopic algae that live in the oceans are so small that 1000 individuals could fit on a pinhead. But hot,calm weather can lead to be seen from space,these turn the sea pale turquoise.

(10) George washington,the first president of the USA,wore false teeth made from hippopptamus ivory fitted with human teeth and parts of horse and donkey teeth.

Answer 16: The honour for being the most committed parents should go to the male penguin.The eggs laid by the female penguin is kept on the feet of the male,covered over by its feathers and protected without moving,at low temperatures of around -40 celcius even for one month,untill the she-bird comes back.

Question of the day 17:

Where is the world's longest ice rank ?

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