Day (8)

682 41 36

Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu


(1) In Chinese KFC slogan 'finger lickin' good"  translate to "eat your fingers off".

(2) It takes four seconds for silence to become awkward.

(3) Putting dry tea bags ina pair of smelly shoes will help to absorb the unpleasant odour.

(4) The Humpty Dumpty nursery ryhme never mention that he's an egg - it also never says that he's a "he" .

(5) Squirrels forget where they hide about half of their nuts and thanks to that, hundreds of new trees grow  every year.

(6) Canadians eat more donuts that any other country.

(7) Ninety nine percent of people claim they get nervous when they hear "we need to talk".

(8) Only 2% of the world's  population is blonde.

(9) A group of bunnies is called fluffle.

(10) The word 'mascara' originally comes from the Arabic  'maskharat' meaning,  'buffoon' or 'anything ridiculous' .

 Answer 7: Prince Eric from "The little mermaid" is the only one Disney prince who does not sing in his film

Question of the day 8:

"What is the full name of Barbie ?"

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