In one day

14 2 0

Today was the day, my parents anniversary of their death but to it felt like any normal day, in fact, it felt like a great day. i get dressed in a black tank top, red flannel, black ripped jeans, and a leather jacket, brush through my black rat nest on my head then ran downstairs meeting Alfred and my brother Bruce in the kitchen.
"Hello Brucie, why the long face?"
I ask in a sort of joking manner while jumping on the counter to sit on it. "Aderyn you are 16 years old so for christ's sake stop acting like a child" there it was Alfred yelling at me again for no reason, not unusual though he has always yelled at me ever since our parents died. grabbing an apple in the bowl behind me as i ignoring the butler,
"so are ya gonna answer Bruce?" speaking as i took a bite of her appel Bruce leaned against the wall across from me trying to look cool
"i know that you know what today is and i also know that you don't moren them, i don't even think you miss them" i tried not to laugh but i found this hysterical why would i moren the people who disowned me and made my only two friends I had not to trust me and not to mention locked me in my room and told the outside world I was dead. "Uh yeah sorry, ahem, oh no my parents died and i miss them ever so much i wish they were both her today so i can say how much i love them" after saying this i couldn't hold it in anymore and broke into laughter. I looked towards bruce calming down a bit when i noticed his gray eyes widened*smack* Alfred's hand hit the appel out of my hand, "you don't need to mourn them but at least have the decency to respect them" i rolled my charcoal pale eyes and fought the need to stab Alfred ten times in the chest, instead of getting my outfit all bloody i slowly got up and walked back to my room slamming the door right behind me. There wasn't much in the room a desk with all sorts of writing material on it, a bed, a huge window that I snuck out of every now and then, it was easy to get to the roof and then climb down the pipes in the back, and a closet that was hardly filled with any clothes. Most of them were black shirts and a few white ones she had a lot of jeans black of course two paris of leather black boots and a few dresses. As i paced around the room trying to calm down it got boring so i then flopped on my bed and began to scream into a pillow right besides me. Only a few emotions were flooding my mind but it still felt like to much, hate, guilt, and sadness. Quickly i ran out of breath and removed the pillow from my face and got up. I could never stay still for to long , as i looked out the window to see Alfred and Bruce getting into a car and leaving me all alone in the house i began to opening up the window and jumped to the ledge of the roof and climbing to the top of the house, yes it was still day but the silence of the house can be so suffocating at times like this plus the view was great seeing all of the garden and the woods beyond that, and the air was clean which helped me think clearly and calm down. An hour passed before i heard the gates open once again to let the car in, hoping back down in the room i began to draw instead of punching Alfred's face until he was no longer breathing. Grabbing a pencil and just began drawing, drawing was also calming even though i could only see lines while drawing but when i finished a masterpiece appeared on the paper. I keeped them in a folder but never looked at them twice, i didn't looked up from my paper as Bruce knocked and walked in "Aderny you in here?" "did i say enter" not caring Bruce shut the door behind him and stood next to his sister "it's about 3 in the morning why are you up" this puzzled me but i shook it off seeing how i always stay up late "i could ask you the same thing" "i can't sleep" "i didn't realize how late it was" "what are you drawing?" "i can't tell yet until i finish, how does it look though?" bruce tilts his head and gazes at the paper "it's really... detailed" I looks up to meet his eyes which are filled with sadness "what is it?" I waited for a response "um it's a car crash not a good one" I sigh noticing how concerned and sad his expression was "ok look i know im crazy but you don't have to look at me that way" "sorry" "whatever, why can't you sleep?" "i think i saw an old enemy of mine, he is dead but I'm still a little shaken up by it" "so you're as crazy as me" i start laughing at what would be pain to any normal person but that was actually funny, ofcourse Bruce didn't find it very funny. "Ade you're not crazy" "oh shut it, you herd the doc he said i could snap at any moment plus going through some deep crap that can't be treated, might as well lock me up in Arkham right now" "Ade" "stop you see how Alfred looks at me hell even our parents wanted me dead that the socially "killed" me i even scare you sometimes and don't try and deny it" i'm looking down at the paper full of lines while feeling my eyes burn not from forming tears it's from not blinking "we love you and care for you" Bruce states while his hands rubs circles around my back, 'that's it i'm completely done' "you know what's worse?" that awful silence enters again before i start talking "I really don't care" i can feel my voice go lower and more cynical and apparently Bruce did to as he stopped rubbing my back and i can feel him tense up "i can't bring myself to care that im hurting you or that i have brutal thoughts in my head about everyone around me" "y-you need some rest" Bruce responded hesatiently, i grip my pencil tighter "i'm not afraid either" Bruce is now backing up and for go reason as i am now standing up ready to lunge at him. I give him a death stare "im not scared of plunging this pencil in your neck, i don't care about the consequences of killing you" "Ade you're scaring me" i walk closer to him "it's ok brother this feeling will go away, it always does" i stare at the floor while Bruce books it out of my room, as i stare and stand in the same place i hear a conversation between him and Alfred. My heart beats faster as i hear "she needs to go" from my own brother, this made my eyes water. Grabbing my bag i start throwing warm clothes and money into it as i was just about ready to leave I shut and lock my bedroom door eminently hearing footsteps running towards my room after. Here it was the crash of my high, throwing my bag over my shoulder i start climbing out the window to the roof tears slowly streaming down my face. There is a set of pipes in the back which i climb down but the coldness of the pipes made it hard to cling to them and near the ground i slip off and hit the it landing in a squat position which rally took a toll on my knees. "Aderny, come back" Alfred screamed,"crap" i start running and don't stop till i think im safe, about 30 minutes of running and walking I found myself in an alleyway in the big city of Gotham which reeks of chinese food and urine. The walls are dripping with what i can only assume is sewage water and steam from the restaurant, i put my hands on my head to catch my breath and whip off the remaining water on my cheeks "hey little girl you lost?" i roll my eyes as i turn around to greet the man who was most likely gonna try and mug me "well hello there douchebag" i state putting my hands tightly around the straps of my bag "oh you have a mouth don't you, hey now you don't have to worry about your bag girly" he looks behind me and nods, this is where i now notice two other men behind me "No stop" a man with a black beanie pushed me against a wall, they all were wearing black bandanas around their mouths, my mind way racing knowing what they were about to do "now be a good little gir-" "oh hello there friends" the man was interrupted by a mystery man with a semley calming and handsome voice."Let's get out of here" two out of three men ran away but one still had his hand on my throat, he had the stench of alcohol on his breath, bags under his cold brown eyes, dark skinned, and that stupid black trash bandana around his mouth."Just move along kid, you don't need to get hurt" he pulled a knife out of his pocket and made sure that the mystery man saw it "now friend no need to get hostile i wouldn't usually care  but then again one thing i do hate is rape, is that what you were about to do?" he started to walk closer "ok first im not your friend second this doesn't concern you, leave" the mystery man steps into the light showing who he is "i'm not going until you let her go" he smiled at the end of his sentence seming pleased with himself, he must have a reputation because the alcoholic rapist was terrified and distracted giving me the advantage to rip his hand off my throat and run to the other side of the alleyway. "Hey listen she free ok just don't hurt me" he looks to be at the break of tears, i get a good look at the man who just saved me, he had red hair buzzed and the sides and long at the top, he was wearing a white and black suit which was covered in blood, looking at his neck i could see it was his own, the wound wasn't packed or stitched up there was just a gauze taped to his neck. The redhead started to laugh, his laugh sent chills down my spine and made the criminal beside me cry in fear "she is free" he yelled again, the redhead walked right up to the man who crumbled to his knees in fear "yeah i can see that" he grabbed the others face and pointed it in my direction. At this point there both looked at me, while i'm just staring in awe at the redhead that saved me "But" he turned his head back the face him "i did say i don't like rapist" he grabbed a knife out of his jacket and sliced the man's neck open. 'Holy hell' my i cover my mouth in surprise at what just happened "There we go another perv ... off... t-th-" he collapsed to the ground holding onto his neck

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