
140 8 16

Pairing: Tyler x reader

Word count: 1256

Warnings: Angst. Domestic violence & abuse.

Author's note: This was a request from @Ohprettyweeper ! I also know that everyone's experiences with domestic violence is different, and I do not want to ever come across as romanticizing it!

Request: Been trying to think of a request for you, but I'm running a little dry right now ... how's about a Protective!Tyler x Reader flangsty action with the prompt, "Where'd you get those bruises?" (I looked for a protective prompt on Pinterest. If that's not something you're comfortable writing, I can come up with something else!) <3

"Where do you think you're going?" you hear your boyfriend of a year yell from upstairs as you were headed towards the front door.

"I'm going to Tyler's rehearsal, I told you last night remember?" You try to explain yourself but your boyfriend was already coming down the stairs towards you. You raise your arms to block your face, but his hand grabbed your wrist. His grip tightened and he threw you towards the ground. Your head hits the wall, and the stinging make your eyes water.

"You little slut, don't fucking cry," he kneels before you, lifting your chin up with his hands. Your eyes meet his blue eyes which were piercing into yours. You couldn't look away even if you tried.

"It's Tyler's birthday," you mumble under your breath. Your boyfriend let go of your chin and stands up. He tells you to stand up, and you do what he says. You see him raise his hand and slaps you across your face. You grab your cheek that felt like it was on fire. This made you start actually crying.

"You do what I say, and I don't want you leaving the house." He screams at you, grabbing your shoulders and shaking your body. "Do you understand?"

"Yes." You nod your head, and you were trying to stop the tears but they came pouring out. Your boyfriend shoved you and your arm hit into the cabinet in your entryway.

"I said do you understand?"

"Yes I understand." You held onto your arm which was now throbbing like your head and face. He comes over and grabs your arm, rubbing it as if he didn't mean to hurt you.

"You know I love you, and I only want the best for you." He took him thumb and wiped away your tears. You flinched every time he moved his hand.

You woke up the next day to severe pain everywhere in your body. You shuffled out of bed, and went into the bathroom. Your boyfriend was gone for the day to work, which meant you didn't have to be afraid all day.

You took off your clothes and inspected your body in the mirror. Your arm has bruises in the shape of fingerprints on your forearm, and your upper arm has this huge purple yellow bruise from when you fell. Your eye was slighlty bruised from the slap, and your legs were still covered with bruises from past events.

You hopped into the shower and tried to wash away the pain, but in realty the solitude made you start to over think everything. You always came up with the same conclusion, that you deserve it all and that he truly loves you and wants the best for you.

Your shower was ended abruptly when your phone started to ring. You answered immediately incase it was your boyfriend, but it turned out to be Tyler.

"Hey Y/N, you okay? You didn't come to my party last night?" Tyler's voice was soft, and made you feel safe.

"Oh, I was feeling sick," you lie.

"Well, want me to come over and we celebrate a day late? I always love your presents<" Tyler giggled which made you laugh. You had gotten him a nintendo sweatshirt this year.

"Sure!" You said probably too excitedly.

"Okay be over in 5."

"Y/N I'm here!!!!" Tyler screams from the front door. You head over and open the door to see a Tyler standing there and smiling awkwardly.

"You do know that we have a doorbell right?" You giggle.

"It's more fun that way, hey where's Y/B/F/N?" He asks. You explained to him that he was at work and he nodded. Tyler never liked him, especially because he had cheated on you a few months back.

"Do you want some food?" You ask him and Tyler nods. You head over to your kitchen and open up the cabinet. You see a box of cheez its on the top shelf and you reach up to grab it. Your sleeve on your shift lifted up to reveal the bruises on your forearm. You quickly grab the cheez its and tug your sleeve back down.

"Where did you get those bruises?" Tyler asked, his voice was filled with concern.

"What bruises?" You ask, trying to change the subject. Tyler walked over to you and grab your hand. He grabbed your sleeve and pulled it up to reveal the bruise that resembled fingerprints.

"Y/N?" He asks but you pull your arm away quickly.

"It's nothing." You say, but a lump had already filled your throat making your voice crack.

"Did he touch you?" Tyler says sternly and you shake your head no, but the tears that were forming revealed that you weren't telling the truth.

"Y/N." Tyler whispered your name and walked over to your. He grabbed your hands and gave them a tiny squeeze. "Take your shirt off."

"What?" You asked, confused what he was asking you to do. He repeated himself, and you slipped your shirt off. You stood there in front of Tyler. His eyes grew wide at the bruise on your upper arm, and the smaller ones on your stomach.

"Did he do this to you?" Tyler's fingers brushed over the one of your upper arm which made you flinch. You shook your head yes softly. You put your shirt back on, and Tyler pulled you in for a hug. His body and his scent made you feel safe. He was truly your best friend.

"I'm so scared to leave," you cry into his shoulder. His hands rub your back and he reassures you.

"Y/N, come home with me. Tell the police, and get a restraining order. You do not deserve this. You deserve someone who truly cares about you, and wants to keep you safe. You deserve happiness." Tyler grabbed your chin, just like your boyfriend did but this time you weren't afraid.

"I..don't know."

"I want to keep you safe, Y/N. I care about you more than you realize." Tyler placed a soft kiss on your forehead. You let out the breath that you didn't realize you were holding. Tyler made you feel so relieved, so safe, and so loved.

"Thank you, Tyler."

"Of course. Now, where is this Y/B/F/N? I just need to talk." Tyler rolled up his sleeves to act as if he was going to beat him up. You laughed while you wiped away the last of your tears.

It had been three months since you had moved in with Tyler, and reported to the police about the domestic abuse that you were going through. Y/B/F/N was charged, and you also filed a restraining order so you would no longer have to worry.

Some nights were harder than others though. Loud sounds made you jump, and the nightmares still haunted you, but Tyler was always by your side right away to make sure you felt safe. He would sit on the ground with you and hold you tight until your breathing became normal.

Every night Tyler would make you tea right before bed, and he always gave you a kiss on your forehead when he said goodnight. You stayed in his guest room which was right next to his so he could hear you incase you had another nightmare.

You weren't quite use to not having to worry anymore, but this feeling of safety and security is something you could get used to. 

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