Chapter 2 🧡

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The boy I ran in to they were doing their work and he asked me
???: hey do u have a pencil
Me: oh umm sure hang on
???: my name is Sebastian btw
Me: oh my name is krystan here's the pencil
Seb: thx umm would u like to meet my friends and we can all hang out at lunch
Me: umm sure thx u should do ur work before u get in trouble haha
Seb: nah I never do my work jk but talk to u later haha
Me: okay 👌 I laid my head back down and the bell finally rang
*time skip to lunch*
I went to lunch well put my stuff in my locker I was nervous about it then I got a call and I answered it
Me: hello
(Gang member- gm)
Gm- umm we have a problem well not really a problem
Me: okay tell me
Gm- okay umm we have some people who want to join the gang but I told them to come back at four
Me: okay thx but next time just text me cuz someone could've heard u
Then someone behind me cleared their throat oh plz tell me they didn't hear that
I turn around and see Sebastian with his friends
Seb: hey who u talking to
Me: oh no one I was just talking to my dad
Seb: oh umm okay well these are my friends Oliver, Jesse,jack,giovanny,Carlos,Alex,Chris
Me: oh umm nice to meet y'all my name is krystan
Jack: nice to meet u not to be creepy or anything but why did u tell u dad that someone could've heard u
Me: oh it's just we can't be on our phones well calls anyways and I just didn't wanna u know get caught on my first day
My thoughts
Damn gio is cute they are all cute but gio damn he a whole snack
End of thoughts
Me: umm I'm gonna go ahead and go to my last period the bell is about to ring bye guys oh do any of u have accounting last period
Gio: I do we can go together if u want
Me: ok thx umm can u show me where it is
Gio: yea sure
Me: bye Seb bye guys
Gio also said later to them dang he cute but I bet he has a girlfriend
Me: so umm what have y'all been doing in accounting
Gio: oh umm well today we aren't gonna do anything we r just gonna get a packet and then start on it tomorrow so today I don't think we are gonna do anything but that
Me: oh good
Then my gang member texted me
Text convo
Gm: umm we have more ppl trying to join this time they are all boys and they didn't come to the warehouse they called us and told them to come at 4 like the others
Me: okay thx umm I'll go straight there when I'm done here just gather everyone up and tell them to wait for me I'll try to be there by 4
Gm- okay umm they are all coming together we had one girl and the rest are boys they look around ur age
Me: okay umm I gtg but keep me posted
I don't realize it but I was still walking with gio and hopefully he didn't see who I was texting but eh oh well we finally go to the classroom
Me: do we have assigned seats
Gio: no but u can sit next to me
Me: oh it's okay wouldn't ur girlfriend sit by u I'll just sit in the back
Gio: oh I don't have a girlfriend and I'll sit by u since no one is in here
Me: okay if u want to and if ya suuurrrree
Gio: *laughs* I'm sure
We go and sit down
Me: are u positive
Gio: yea
Me: are u sure ur positive
Gio: I'm sure
Me:Are u positive ur sure ur positive
Gio: yea girl
Me: are u positive that ur sure that ur po- 
He grabs my face
Gio: I'm sure
He looks into my eyes and I look into his
Me: okay -_- haha
Gio: I like ur laugh
Me: why thank ya hehe
Gio: damn when is class gonna start I needa be somewhere
Me: me too I think we came to early when does the bell usually ring
Gio: oh around umm like 2:30
Me: it's umm 2:15 haha imma just sleep
Gio: nooo let's get to know each other
Me: okay wat ya wanna know
Gio: just tell me about yourself
Me: okay umm I'm shy sometimes and my mom and dad are like not divorced but separated like my mom is on a business trip for like 6-7 months and my dad is back in OK and we moved here two years ago and I'm in a ga- I mean a club like a book club haha and yea oh and I'm 16 soon to be 17
Gio: oh cool wait if u moved here two years ago how come I've never seen u around here before
Me: oh cuz I like fight all the time and u know ppl be trynna catch these hands haha and just popular girls just be mean to others and I try and stick up for them u know I just can't stand ppl like that
Gio: wow ur so caring
Me: eh I try haha now u turn
Gio: hmm?
Me: tell me about ur self
Gio: oh haha umm I'm 17 soon to be 18 and I'm shy sometimes like u and that's basically it oh and I'm trying to go into a "book club" rn
Me: haha what's with the "book club" finger thing like
Gio: oh idk haha *he nervously laughs*
Me: oh okay well I think class should be starting soon it's 2:25
Gio: yea also I love music
Me: me too I mean who doesn't love music haha
Gio: yea umm we should hangout later today
Me: oh I would love to but I have to be somewhere around four ish
Gio: me too how about 6 if I'm not doing anything or u aren't busy
Me: yea okay
Gio: can I have ur number just in case
Me: yea it's 353-718-0293
Gio: thx haha
The bell rings
Me: it's about time haha...

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