Chapter 9

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Well you've probably guessed it

As they slowly walk towards their best friend

She's laying there

With a gun in her hand but

She's laying on her back still with the gun in her hand

The shooters are dead

The blood that was like a trail leading towards the door? That was hers she tried to escape but couldn't

She dragged herself to try and at least get help but didn't succeed

One of the shooters stand up barely

They are holding a gun in their hand

Everyone screams
As they point it towards ona and Gio

Gio stands infront of ona to protect her

When a gun goes off

Gio opens his eyes to find him not bleeding or ona but the shooter

As the shooter falls

Krys is behind them

As she looks at Gio and ona she smiles becuz she knows their safe and not hurt

But she drops the gun
And falls

Gio runs to her places her head on his lap


G: yeah
He says tearing up
Me: protect your friends all right I-I love you guys
I cough up some blood
G:no we will protect them your gonna be all right

O-I already did the ambulance is coming
Me: he-hey ona
Me: take care of him for me please
O:who Gio?
Me: yeah even if he gets on your nerves try and stick together especially with everyone else pl-please

I start closing my eyes a lil bit

G: stay with me krys please I hear the ambulance please you're gonna be okay
Me: Gio I'm getting t-tired

I cough and cough up blood
And groan in pain as I see red and blue lights

I feel me getting picked up maybe carried

I hear people gasping or just cry

They place me down on the stretcher
And see a tall figure

I smile a lil bit and hold their hand as they squeeze mine

And that's all I remember

No ones POV

1 month later

As everyone goes to school

And go sit in their seat

Attention students and teachers welcome back

I know things won't be the same but as we saw the cameras

Krys is our hero she saved some kids who were trying to get back into class
She may not be here at school but she's always here with us

Now everyone take a moment of silence to pray or respect krys as she is still in the hospital

All right everyone thank you for your attention

Now teachers sorry for the interruption
You may go back to what you were doing


Everyone was quiet

Not one person was smiling or laughing

She may not have been talking to many people but she talked to everyone and was nice towards them

Except the bitch who fought her

Krys is in a deep coma

Gio visits her everyday after school and weekends

Krys mom was informed about the situation and she came to the hospital and has been there ever since except to go home get some clothes, snacks, or to shower

The gang however is hunting down the people who caused this

Gio ordered them to do it

So far they haven't gotten anything

While all this is happening

Krys is just hoping to wake up

She cuts as she sits in the dark room

Nothing with her just herself

With no way to wake up or get out of

She hears everything people say

She cries and wishes to wake up

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