Question #12- h9ly heaven-

437 32 6

Naka_kun asked:

Q: Signless Signless Signless Signless hi :3 *touches face* What if I stole your hood? Why so flushed for the Summoner? Is it cuz he's just damn swaggalicious? What about the handmaid? Thoughts on her? Suddenly your the emperor of Alternia, what is the first thing ya do? Would you ever be GHB's morail? Dualscar? MINDFANG JUST STOLE PSII, WHAT YOU GONNA DO BOY?

A: he-- *face gets touched* st- I will pers9nally hunt y9u d9wn, and I was flushed f9r him 6ecause; he was s9 kind and sweet t9 me that I felt like red c9uld happen, handmaid? well, she's an alright tr9ll, just like every9ne else. And if that ever happens I w9uld pers9nally d9 a equality speech t9 all my citizens.

High6l99d as my m9irail? well yeah I can take him as my m9irail, Dualscar? n9.. well his papping is very pr9fessional f9r s9me reas9n..

*last mindfang question*

9h h9ney let me gra6 my sickles 6ecause I'm g9ing spider 6itch hunting.

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