-NepetaLeijon- asked:
Q: :33< Thoughts on my ancestor? And what are your thoughts on me?
A: 9h her, well.. *clears throat*
her 6eauty enchanted me, that n9t even heaven c9uld define h9w g9rge9us she was, she made my dream c9me true; the 9ne that I d9u6t that w9uld never c9me true. if her 6eauty were time, she'd 6e an eternity.. my.. eternity..
n9t anym9re
y9u're just as special and 6eautiful as her, nepeta, never let any9ne 6ring y9u d9wn with the c9ntrary.
I h9pe this was a g99d en9ugh answer..