Chapter 2

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Elizabeth Millers

I looked inside the book and turned a page. Unicorn, lion and goddess. I looked up the stairs to see the lion statue.

"The lion statue is up there." I pointed up the stairs as Leon looked up there as well.

"Oh yeah, come on." He grabbed my hand and pulled me up with him. We stood in front of the statue and looked to see pictures.

"What are the codes?" Leon asked looking at me and I looked inside the book.

"A lion, leaf and a bird thing." I said as Leon placed the codes and we heard something moving. We looked to see a tiger medallion as I was about to grab it, I couldn't moved my other hand. I looked down to see my hand still wrapped around his hand.

"Um Leon, you could let go now." I said and he looked down on our hands and let go as he placed it behind his head rubbing it.

"Sorry about that." He chuckled nervously and I smiled before taking the medallion.

"Come on, pretty boy." I smirked and walked downstairs. He followed behind me and I stopped at the front of the big goddess statue to see three slots. I put the tiger medallion on the on the left slot and backed up to see the bottom open turning into bars

"So...Elliot was right." Marvin said and Leon nodded before we turned to face Marvin.

"Yeah, but we're not out yet." Leon told Marvin as I walked down to the reception room and saw a gated room with chairs, light including windows that might look inside the west office. I heard footsteps and looked to see Leon.

"I'm guessing we're going this way?" I asked looking at Leon who nodded his head. He took his combat knife out and cut tape of the box that's on the wall. He opened it and pulls the lever down as the gate opened up.

"Ladies first." He smirked at me and I gave him a hell no look. He shook his head and went inside as I did the same. We both took my pistol out and walked inside. We went behind the board and I opened the door as it shows a dark hallway. I grabbed my flashlight out so did Leon as we both turned it on. We shined it down the hallway to see a trail of blood.

"What the hell?" I mumbled as I entered the hall first. Leon followed me after and I kept my pistol aimed. I heard a radio static and words saying something about a bird. I see a body on the floor and kneeled in front of it moving the head to see the man's mouth torn apart.

"Jesus Christ, what could have done that?" Leon asked behind me shining the light on the man's face. His eyes had no pupils what's so ever.

"Don't know, but whatever did this to him is not gonna be pretty." I sighed before standing up. We hit the corner and as soon as we did a body fell on Leon causing me to giggle as he push the body off and glare at me.

"It's nice to see that I amuse you so much." He said rolling his eyes.

"Oh, but sir. You truly did." I smirked and kept walking as I heard him mumble something under his breath. We walk down the creepy dark hallway with boarded up windows. As we hit a turn a figure appeared in front of a window slamming it while making a non-human groan.

"Shit." Leon said and grabbed my hand as he pulled me into the double doors. We both looked around as I saw a door and ran towards it to open, but once I got there it was chained up.

"Damn it." I growled kicking the door.

"Up there!" Leon pointed at the window as we both heard the double doors getting pounded and groans coming from the other side.

"Go! I'll cover you." I said pushing him as he nodded not arguing. He got up the crate and climbed in the window as the the door slammed open. Two figures walked in groaning and when I shine the light at them, I couldn't help, but gasp. Their faces were rotting and they have no pupils or any color in their eyes. Their skin was pale and they are covered in fresh and dried blood.

I shot one of them in the head as they fell limp on the floor. I got up the crate and climbed over the window jumping down only for Leon to catch me. I was about to ask something when he shushed me and pointed behind me which I did and saw a dead police man slamming his fist on the vender machine violently.

"Man, even in the dead he is still hungry for snacks." I joked causing Leon to laugh quietly. I aimed my pistol at him and fire once hitting the dead police man on the head as he fell on the ground limp.

"Rest in peace you fat bastard." I sighed as me and Leon walked down the hall. It was covered in blood. We both heard groaning as Leon pulled me into a room that has light on it. We pinned me against the wall and he closed the door silently. We heard shuffling and non-human moaning coming closer.

I began to find myself having a hard time to breath. Leon looked at me with concern as the shuffling got closer. Damn it! I hate panic attacks! I tried my best to breath as Leon looked outside then back at me. The shuffling got closer and closer. The next thing I knew soft lips were placed into mine. I closed my eyes as I wrapped my hands around their neck while their hands wrapped around my waist pulling me closer deepening the kiss. I kissed back and we both pulled away when the shuffling and moaning was in the distance.

I opened my eyes seeing Leon looking at me as he breathed a little heavy while he kept his arms around my waist. I was breathing heavy as well and we kept our eyes to each other.

"You alright?" He asked me and I nodded my head.

"Yeah, thanks." I said with a smile and a little blush as he did the same.

"No problem, come on." He urged and I nodded following him out the room. We both aimed our lights down the hall and saw no one. We kept walking down silently and I try to keep it silent for my boots which is very hard at the same time.

"I just notice, why are you wearing boots?" He whispers as I shrug.

"I didn't know this city is like this." I answered with honesty.

"True." Leon shrug as well. We both stopped at the stairs and jumped a bit when the window got pounded by a...zombie if you want to call it like that.

"We should cover this." I suggested as I looked and saw wooden boards under the stairs. I grabbed the boards and began hammering the nails that was on it using a rock that was on the floor. I backed away as I heard Leon whistle and I turned towards him smirking at my handy work.

"Nice." He said and I hit his arm playfully.

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