Chapter 5

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Leon S. Kennedy

"Shit!" I stood up and saw the shotgun I gave Elizabeth. 'She must have dropped it' I thought and grabbed it. The monster groaned as he picked up a metal pipe.

"Words won't cut up to this thing." I said as I began shooting at it and running away. He growled in pain as it swings the metal pipe around hitting the wall.

"Gotta take him down." I mumbled and kept shooting. I dodged its attack and shot it. As I saw it running away into the smoke I followed it and only to see that it has disappeared.

"Shit, where did he go?" I looked around aiming the shotgun everywhere. I then turned for it to jump in front of me and hold me, but I managed to get away. A big eye began to grow from its mutant arm and I shot at it as it began moving violently.

"Come on, you son of a bitch!" I shouted at him as I kept shooting and shooting before running out of ammo.

"Shit." I placed the shotgun behind my back and took my pistol out and I aimed it only for him to smack me as I rolled to the ground dropping my gun. I groaned in pain and began to stand up. The thing swung the pipe and I rolled out of the way just in time. I looked at my pistol to see its between his feet.

As I was gonna run for my gun, it's non-mutant hand grabbed me by the neck and lifted me up as I struggled to breath. I...can't...die like this. I began seeing black spots thinking that I won't see Elizabeth again. A shot soon was fired as the thing dropped me and screamed in pain. I began coughing and gasp for air. I looked up to see the monster went over the rail screaming and a big splash can be heard. I grabbed my gun and looked up to see Elizabeth's gun aimed and soon lowers revealing her.

"You okay?" She asked and I nodded my head at her. She looked to the side and moved. I didn't know where she went until a ladder went down. I began climbing up and hugged her gently.

"So glad your alright." I whispered and I felt her arms wrapped around me and we soon pulled away. I looked around seeing if she got hurt only for her to grab my arms as I looked at her.

"Leon, I'm fine. I just bump my head thats all." She said with a smile and I sighed in relief.

"Here, I had to use's out of ammo." I gave the shotgun back, but she pushed it back smiling.

"It's alright. Keep it, you'll need it anyways." She said and I smiled nodding my head before putting the shotgun on my back.

"Come on, lets go." I motioned and we run up the stairs. I grabbed the lever and pulled it down as a platform began to move and we both walked out the room.

"After this, you totally owe me a beer." She smirked and I chuckled.

"I know. Where do you live anyways?" I asked her.

"More likely everywhere. I don't stay in one place." She shrugged and I nodded my head.

"What about you?" She asked me and I sighed before responding.

"I live in Kansas." (Don't know where he lives)

"Kansas? Wow." She said sound amused and I looked at her. The platform soon stopped and we continued to move.

"For a Kansas boy, you sexy as hell." She said and I chuckled.

"Thanks." I smiled and she nodded her head before looking away a bit. We soon made it to a room and looked around seeing bullets and first aid spray. We walked to the side and saw a ladder.

"Ladies first." I bowed and she looked at me.

"You just want me to go first to look at my ass, huh?" She asked me.

"Maaaybe." I teased and she shook her head before climbing up. I have to say, it is a nice very view. She soon open the manhole and began climbing up as I followed her behind.

"That's our only way out." She announced and I looked to see to see our only way out. We walked towards it and she sighed in frustration.

"We need a keycard." She said pissed and I shook my head. We heard growls causing both of us to turn and see two dogs.

"Shit." She cursed and before we could take our gun out they launched themselves towards us as I got myself pinned down and Elizabeth rolled away just in time, but on the second lunge she wasn't successful to dodge.

"Elizabeth!" I shouted as I tried my best to not let this thing bite me. I tried grabbing my gun and I heard a loud gunshot as the dog got off of me. I grabbed my gun and shot Elizabeth's as she pushed the dog off her. I pointed my gun up to see another gun pointing at me and Elizabeth pointed her gun at the woman in trench coat.

"Drop your guns, now." She said sternly as Elizabeth and I looked at each other. She took out a badge and showed it to me.

"FBI?" I said out loud which Elizabeth has heard.

"Sorry." I mumbled putting my gun down and so did Elizabeth. I heard another growl as the woman shot the dog next to making it whimper.

"What is an FBI doing here?" I heard Elizabeth ask and the woman turned to her.

"To investigate what's going on in this city." The woman informed her. She has the same goal as Elizabeth? I looked at Elizabeth to see that she was eyeing her with suspicion in her eyes.

"Funny, I have the same mission as well. Names Elizabeth, I'm a government agent." Elizabeth introduces herself, but she doesn't sound friendly to her like she did to me.

"Ada Wong." The woman in a confident voice.

"Now if you don't mind, I'll get going. I have no time to chit-chat." Ada walked away and passed Elizabeth who still watches her like a hawk. I stood up and ran after.

"Hey! I'm not done talking to you!" I shouted as she entered a room and before I could enter I felt my hand has been grabbed and I turned to see Elizabeth shaking her head.

"Leon, I don't trust her." She mumbled and I looked at her confused.

"But she's from the FBI." I pointed out and she let my hand go.

"Leon, something about her seems off. We don't even know who she is and even if she's from the FBI. The president wouldn't even let any FBI come here." She told me, but I shook my head.

"I have to find out what's going on and she might know something." I said and ran after Ada.

"Leon!" I heard Elizabeth called out, but I ignored it and kept running.

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