November 7th pt. 1

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"I wonder what she's doing right now......" Marshall said dreamily. I had to stop myself from throwing my book at him. When Marshall came back the morning after Halloween he was so happy and bubbly over that girl Ashely. He has not stopped talking about her since last week!

"Her silver hair is so beautiful...."

"It's more of a grey than silver and she should get a hair cut. Her hair is made up of split ends."

"Her eyes sparkle like diamonds...."

"Her eyes are more like looking a cold dark abyss but that works too."

"She just so beautiful....."

"For a troll."

"I think I'm in love........ For the 46th time." I slapped my forehead. I have been dealing with this airhead for an entire week. And he doesn't seem to care if I'm around or not. I think this what they call a fool in love? Or blinded by love? Either one Marshall has been head over heels for her. "I wonder what she's thinking about?" That's it! I chucked my book right at his head and the ditz was still caught in a daze!

"Hmmm what was that? Ashely?"

I got off my chair and left Marshall alone in the royal library. I looked back at him sitting on the window seal. Why is he so infatuated with her? What is so great about her anyway! I need to do something stress relieving, I need to bake. I headed off the the nearest kitchen. The palace has five of them. I walked in and no one was around. Perfect! I have my hair back in my usual hair style and my unusual clothing since the King and Queen of the Nightosphere left the day after Halloween to...... Feed. Also they got tired of the bright colors. I began to make a triple-decker chocolate cake. When I finished making one desert I made another and then another. I guess I really did not want to be around Marshall at the moment. It upsets me too much. I feel that their is something not right with that girl. I do not really think they are a good match. I placed another tray of cookies in the oven.

What is this feeling? I never felt this way before. I want to be away from him but then I wish he was here. I do not wish to hear Ashely's name ever again but it is normal for a man to feel the way he does. He loves her. Every time I acknowledge that my heart hurts. Do I have a heart condition? I should see a doctor about this.

"Mmmmh. What's that smell?" Flame Prince asked. He has been around this castle for a week helping our army grow in numbers. My parents saved him from his imprisonment. He is now the king of his land and has agreed to help us. But his army might set our kingdom on fire so he helps to train our army instead. "Woah! There's a mountain of deserts!" He exclaimed. I looked at the counter and I did not notice I made as much as I had.

"I guess I got carried away....." I said nervously playing with my hands.

"Can I have one?"

"Of course." He took a bite of a crape and closed his eyes and hummed.

"I'm in heaven!" He said liking his fingers finishing off his crape. He looked up at me. "My prince, you look troubled."

"You are mistaken," I said trying to make the best fake smile I could.

"Are you sure?"

"Quite sure." He took a step closer to and tilted his head. He sighed and walked to me. He held me close and titled my head up to him.

"Your lying to me Prince. What's wrong? Did something happen to you?" I felt all my feelings pour out of me. I told him everything I was feeling. I had ended up in his lap on a stole with my body in his arms. I laid my head in the crotch of his neck as he stroked my hair. "So your upset because Marshall left you at the Halloween festival for this girl, Ashely. He was rude to you and your confused weather or not he likes you. You are also confused if he should be loyal to you or not. And it hurts everytime her name is mentioned?" I nodded.

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