The unexpected

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He's going to rape you.

Is the words that echoed in my mind. I feel like rape is a very bad thing. But what could he possibly do? My mother and I are walking down the hall. She didn't have enough time to tell me what 'rape' is. Or maybe she meant to say grape? Of course! Grape not that other horrible word. We joined my father at the front of the doors. I heard some giggling and turned my attention to a few maids.

"What if he has tentacles?" The one in green said.

"OH MY GLOB! That would be soooo hot!" The blue one said.

"And then he has his way with him!" The pink one said. They all squealed.

"I'm so happy to be alive!" The green one said.

"I love boy on boy action! Let's sneak a peek!" The blue one said.

"It's a good day to be fujishi." The pink one said with blood running down her nose. Wait. Tentacles? Has his way with me? I was suddenly imagining this octopus creature with horns and a tail with devil wings. That things going to have his way with me? Is he going to grape me? Wait. What is that's how they have their babies in the nightospre? Wait that means...... HE'S GOING TO USE HIS TENTACLES TO MAKE OUT WITH ME TO HAVE ITS GRAPE BABIES!?!?!?!?!?!? I was starting to feel queasy.


"Yes dear?"

"H-How do you dodge tentacles?"

"What an odd question. I'm not sure. They are like noodles, you can fight them. Speaking of noodles we are having spaghetti tonight, your favorite." She said smiling weakly. I smiled weakly too. I was not in the mood to put dead tentacles in my mouth. The trumpets sounded and I flinched a bit. My mother and father hugged me and quickly let go. The doors opened and a black carriage was right in front of us.

Marshall's POV.

.......... It's so..... Pink. DID IT EVER OCCUR TO THESE PEOPLE THAT THERE ARE OTHER COLORS THAN PINK!?!?!? I mean seriously! I have to spend four fricken years in a kingdom covered in pink!?! I wish I wasn't immortal. I would have committed suicide at the gates of this place. I just need to remain positive, which is super hard for me, there's an upside. My mother gets to come back. With that in mind I would spend a hundred years here just to get her back. We stopped at the castle gates and I heard trumpets. I wasn't expecting to here that. Trumpets out sounded for important guests, I thought they hated us as much as we hated them. We have been fighting for centuries and all. The doors opened and three people stepped out. A woman in pink royal robes who had a strange crown that wrapped around her head and stuck straight up it had a blue jewel in the center. The king was also was wearing royal pink robes. 

The Queen and King had the fakest smiles I had ever seen. They really look like the wished we died on the way here. In the middle of them was a girl who was also dressed in pink with super long pink hair. She is beautiful. I think I'm in love, for the 45th time. The diver opened a huge umbrella for us and we stepped out of the carriage. The royal family stepped back inside the castle and we stepped in. The doors closed and we where greeted and introduce to one another. Bonnibeau the blah blah blah. It's a pretty nice name. Later I'll tell her how beautiful her name is. Chicks like it when you tell them they're name is beautiful. I'm not sure why though. She didn't even look at me. She did look at me once to tell me her name but that's it. Maybe she really really hates this and is just hiding how pissed off she is behind that smile. She's so hot, I can't wait to take off that dress.

Gumball's POV.

Where are his noodles? I can't find them!!!! Show me your noddles you crazy grape maker!!! Is what I was thinking until I saw his face. I have to say I'm pretty jealous. He's a pretty good looking guy. Like a super good looking guy like what like hello. I thought Nightosphere creatures where supposed to be ugly, why is he not ugly!?! Maybe I'm just a little hurt just because my pride as a man has been severely injured but how does he just look so manly! It's not even fair! I've tried to be all manly and beef and he just has this aura of manliness. I might not even mind having a few grapes.............. I need to stop thinking now.

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