November 7th pt 2.

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Gumball's POV.

He kept growing. He grew to be ten feet tall. Fur covered his entire body and his limbs turned into long arms for a monster. I stared into a face of a beast. His red eyes trained on me and his breathe being the only sound I could hear. His monstrous arms pounded the wall by my sides making it impossible for me to escape. I didn't know what to feel. I was in so much shock Marshall could turn into something like this. Something that is the complete opposite of what he really is. I thought he was going to kill me but he just stared at me like he was waiting for something. I caught my breathe and reached out to touch his face. He opened his jaws and hissed at me. Wings popped open behind him which made flinch and draw back. I was truly terrified, maybe I did not love him as much as I thought. Tears rolled down my cheeks and for a split second Marshall's face changed. He looked disappointed and hurt. I can feel all his emotions. He should have known turning himself into an over sized bat is still an animal and animals emotions are easy to read. He was hiding his weak heart behind his anger and cocky attitude. I could feel his sorrow, his pain, and I could feel how he longed to be loved. He's afraid of me, he's afraid of everyone. He's just afraid of being hurt. At that moment I didn't care if he would kill me. I moved off of the wall and hugged him.

"I love you Marshall Lee. You do not have to be afraid of me. I promise I will never stop loving you." The tension in his muscled relaxed. I looked at his eyes and they stopped glowing a deep red. They where back to being the beautiful burgundy eyes I adore. The door burst open.

"Marshall what's taking- AHHHHHHHHHH MONSTER!!!!!" Ashely screamed at the top of her lungs. "MARSHALL! WHERE IS HE!" She glared at the bat, she did not know that was Marshall. "ILL KILL YOU! YOU UGLY BEAST!" Fire surrounded her hands.

"NO!" I shouted protecting Marshall. "Marshall is out side waiting for you! He wants to be with you! Meet him outside so you can be together." These words hurt to say but if he loved her, I have to let him go. He wants to be loved, who am I to stop him?

"UHG why would I be with that clingy lame ass anyway? Damn I thought I'd at least fuck him but I guess I'll just have to be content with what I really came here for." She held up a bag of my royal jewels I keep in my dresser. Rage filled my heart.

"He loved you! You knew he loved you and you still used him! You are the real monster!" I shouted at her. I felt useless. I could have prevented this, I could have saved Marshall a broken heart if I had just said that he could not leave the castle. It's all my fault. I ran towards her with every intention to knock her unconscious. She threw a fire ball at me but I dodged it. She didn't expect me to dodge it. My fist met her face. She fell on the ground with a loud thud. I wanted to beat to living crap out of her- excuse my language. But then I realized I hurt the one Marshall loved. I turned to Marshall to apologize to him but he stood there in his normal form gaping at me.

"Wh-what?" I blushed suddenly.

"Ho...... You just...... How.... When? ........." He just stood there completely flabbergasted. Then it just hit me. I HIT A GIRL.

"OH, MY GLOB IM SO SORRY!" I shouted to the lifeless Ashely. "IM SO SORRY THIS ISNT THE MAN I AM! I WOULD NEVER TOUCH A FEMALE!" Marshall burst out laughing.

"Wow, you just did the most epic bitch slap ever and now you're ruining it. Let's get you cleaned up. Your bleeding."

"..... Bleeding?" I looked until I saw my arm had three huge gashes in it.

"When you ran at her you scraped your arm against my claws." He said walking over to me. "You really should go see a doctor like right now."


"Because I'm a creature of the night. There could be poison running threw your vains right now."

"Oh...... Well, what do we do about her?" I asked.

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