Part 8: No attachment

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Slowly waking Christine took in a deep breath and immediately wrinkled her nose. The air was thick and stuffy with the lingering scent of sex and sweat. She stretched and cracked open her eyes to take in the dim master bedroom of Tony's apartment. A warmth in her back told her that he himself also still was somewhere in this bed, so it still had to be early. Else he would be already up, him not being one to need much sleep. As she looked over her shoulder, she found him on his back, nearly falling off the other side of the bed and giggling, she shook her head at the cuteness of the scene.

He usually wasn't that much of a cuddler. Mainly because as soon as he dozes off, he would take over the whole bed and lay sprawled across the mattress. He was quite a restless sleeper. Yet, sometimes she would wake in the middle of the night with his arms wrapped around her and his face buried in her hair, neck or chest. Moments she secretly savoured.

She yawned and stretched, smiling when feeling all the sore spots on her body. This all had started because she had needed to get her head off the thought about how her life was supposed to go on now and Tony did hell of a good job in providing this. For the last few weeks she often had woken like this. Somewhere deep inside her she knew that all she was doing was pushing her problems aside. Every time when she started thinking about what to do or what she really was feeling for Tony, she instead jumped and rode him until all thoughts were lost. Maybe not the healthiest way to deal with it but at least a fun one.

She was about to roll out of bed when she heard a husky rumble "Where do you think you're going?". A strong arm wrapped around her waist and a stubbled chin rubbed along her neck, lips gliding over the skin. Shudders ran across her skin and her nipples immediately perked up. She couldn't stop herself from smiling or ignore the way her heart started fluttering when feeling him so close. "Opening a window to get some fresh air in".
"For what? It will get stuffy again soon enough". With a low chuckle, Tony rolled her over and loomed above her, taking himself a few seconds to take in her beautiful tussled form. No matter how many times, in how many places and ways he had her, he never seemed to get enough. Just a look from her bright eyes, a single touch or a sway of her hips and all he wanted was to devour her. The intensity of this feelings sometimes shocked him a little, but he just went with it and enjoyed the effects. Which mostly consisted of heated sex and pleasure that kept the small voice at the back of his head silent that constantly kept asking if there wasn't more than just this.

His intense gaze made her feel a little uneasy and uncomfortably exposed. A strange feeling thinking that he had seen her like this already a few times but this time it seemed to get deeper. Like he was looking right through her and into her heart and soul. To break this moment, that dared to break her, she reached down to grasp his morning erection that laid hard against her thigh. He hissed when her fingers began to play along his shaft and all tender thoughts vanished to be replaced by some more rudimental. Growling, he dived down to take her lips in a heated kiss and just a moment later he had her legs parted and slid into her. She groaned and welcomed him just as the fact that with every new thrust her thoughts slowed down a little more until there was nothing but lust and passion.

When she woke again some time later Tony was gone, probably either in his lab or doing some business stuff. All he had left was her very satisfied form and a cup of coffee on the bedside for her. While sipping on the still warm liquid, she got into the bathroom to wash away the last night. When getting out of the shower, she finally took a look out of the window and noticed that it had started snowing. Finally. After all it was already mid-december.
Her phone vibrated and pulling it out of her pants a text from Tony.

Hey sleeping beauty, already up?

She replied by telling him that she just had finished showering and he answered by asking her if she wanted to have brunch with him. How could she say no to this?

No Strings attached - a Tony Stark/Iron Man FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now