Part 7

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"Listen here, RiverClan. We'll be leaving when WindClan passes by." Leopardstar announced. Ivypool felt Stormfur relax beside her, Hawkfrost tensed up to her right.

"It will be fine. I know Stormfur, Brambleclaw, Tawnypelt, Feathertail, and Crowpaw know their way to our new home. All you have to do is believe in them." Ivypool told Hawkfrost.

"I know. But I'm still certain some of the clan cats will die. Not only from hunger, but we are going to the mountains." Hawkfrost shuddered.


Cries from a hawk up above startled Ivypool, making her jump and crashing into Hawkfrost, who was talking to Brambleclaw, his half-brother.

"Great StarClan Ivypool!" Brambleclaw hissed.

"Sorry. It's just that I'm not used to those stupid hawks." The wiry she-cat shook her pelt, almost falling over, but managed to balance just in time.

"They might be annoying and all, but they make the best fresh-kill you'll ever taste. For me, birds have always been one of my favorites, especially chicken, but they are rare to come across by now and days." Chicken and Ripplepaw died just for that useless piece of frog-dirt. Ivypool held her thoughts, but Hawkfrost gave her a 'you just said what you were thinking out loud' look.

"Ripplepaw died?" Brambleclaw echoed.

"Yeah, but I don't want to get into further detail." Ivypool shifted her paws.

"But I need to know. She was a good friend of mine." Brambleclaw urged her.

"Just leave her alone, Brambleclaw." Hawkfrost sighed.

"If you ever need to say anything, you can always tell me." Brambleclaw mewed before before catching up with Squirrelpaw.

"You don't need to tell him. I'll be here with you to tell if you really need it." Hawkfrost murmured beside her. Ivypool swatted the Fluffy dark brown tabby with her grey paw.

"Hey! What was that for?" Hawkfrost's tone of voice sounded like chips of ice, but love also filled in.

"I did it because you know that I know that." Ivypool fell beside the tom of her dreams.

"What exactly do you mean by that?" Ivypool pinned the tom down.

"You know that I know that you'll be there with me when I need you the most." She nuzzled the tom's pink nose with her own black nose. She saw Hawkfrost's face turn red, love flashing in his icy blue eyes as he stared at her.

"And that is why I love you, you little sneaky she-cat." He licked her cheek.

"Now let's go back. Leopardstar will freak out when she notices we aren't there." Ivypool got off the tabby.


The heat that scorched the Clan cats made Ivypool's vision blurry, making her stumble into Stormfur.

"Oof!" Stormfur jumped, accidentally slapping Ivypool with his grey tail.

"I'm sorry. I didn't see you. You look like a boulder."

"What do you mean by that?"

"My vision is blurry."

"I think a heat wave is hitting us hard."

"Heat wave?"

"A heat wave is a period of extreme heat, and I think that is what is going on."

"Have you ever experienced it?"

"Not really, but no effects. I heard blurry vision is one of the effects."

"Oh great StarClan am I going to get sick?"

"It's easier for you because your pelt is rather thin than most RiverClan cats. All we have to do to is prevent you to go outside since it's hot and all. But I highly doubt you'll make it without getting sick."

"But I'll hold back every Clan!"

"And they have to understand that you are sick."

"They won't. They'll think of themselves instead."

"But why would they do that?"

"Anything hap-" Ivypool was cut off by Leopardstar's yowl.

"RiverClan, Mistyfoot has found a camp for us!"

"Thank StarClan! My paws are going to fall off!" Ivypool sighed next to Hawkfrost.

"Definitely. They're swollen. I haven't seen paws like yours." He commented.

"Stormfur says that we're getting hit by a heat wave."

"No wonder it's so hot. We'll have to get you back to our temporary camp. Mothwing might want to check on you."

"Oh yes. You look like a tree with snow in it."

"You're vision is blurry let me guess?"

"Ugh, yes. I thought Stormfur was a boulder when I crashed into him."

Ivypool leaned on Hawkfrost as the two traveling walked to their temporary camp where Mistyfoot was waiting.

"StarClan Ivypool, this heat wave got to you." The grey she-cat looked at her with worry.

"I'll be fine, really."

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