Part 13

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~Some Moons Later~
Hawkfrost say next to his wiry mate, Ivypool, who was carrying his kits.

"How do you think our kits will be like?" Hawkfrost asked.

"I'm saying as handsome as you, my sweet tom." Ivypool licked his cheek.

"Awww, thanks. I'm also sure they'll be beautiful as you, my precious petal." Hawkfrost nuzzled her.

"I'm seriously so happy these little fluff balls(they all will be fluffy like their dad ;3) will come soon. I can't wait to go on patrols and swim freely." Ivypool sighed.

"You get to do all that while I teach our fluff balls how to master their skills." Hawkfrost reassured his mate.

"Wanna make them the best warriors that RiverClan has ever seen, huh?" Ivypool lay down, sunning her silver and white tabby pelt.

"Not necessarily, but yes." Hawkfrost twitched his ear.

"Put your paw here." Ivypool used her tail to point at her swollen stomach.

"Are you sure? I might hurt you or the kits." Hawkfrost glanced nervously.

"You won't as long as you press gently. I'll tell you if you're pressing hard." Ivypool assured him. Hawkfrost hesitantly placed his paw on his mate's swollen stomach. He felt a little kick, causing him to purr loudly.

"Wow...." Hawkfrost purred.

"See? It won't hurt me as long as you press softly and gently." Hawkfrost twined his stripped, dark brown tabby tail with his mate's.

"I can't wait to be in the nursery, watching these little fluff balls." Hawkfrost placed the tip of his pink nose on her swollen stomach.

"If they don't end up like you, I'm gonna cry myself to sleep."

"What do you mean by that?" Hawkfrost looked up at his mate.

"I they don't turn out fluffy. I will be crying my head off." Ivypool purred.

"And why would you be crying?" Hawkfrost tipped his head.

"When Leaf-bare arrives, my pelt isn't thick enough to warm our kits. Not to mention that it's Leaf-fall." Ivypool shuddered.

"But I'll be there. I'm fluffy enough to keep all of you warm." Hawkfrost pointed out.

"Fair enough. Now, why don't you go eat and prepare for the Gathering. It's almost time."

"But Mothwing said your due any day! I have to be there next to you just in case our kits decide to come tonight." Hawkfrost worried.

"I can't promise it, but they won't come tonight." Ivypool sat up.

"But you aren't sure about that." Hawkfrost stood up and shook his pelt.

"Geez Hawkfrost! I got frost all over myself." Ivypool shook her pelt, covering Hawkfrost in frost.

"Sorry. But this won't be the first time." Hawkfrost guided her to the nursery.

"It's the hundredth time or something." Ivypool flopped down in her nest.

"Ha. Also, why are you mad at Brambleclaw?" He turned to look at his mate before leaving.

"I don't think you'll understand. That hit you received on your head the other day wiped that memory out."

"Oh alright."

"Also, tell me what happens at the Gathering." Ivypool called.

"Alright my precious petal. I'll see you later!"


What Firestar said about Squirrelflight giving birth to a litter of three healthy kits shocked Hawkfrost. What shocked him even more was that Brambleclaw was the father, though he saw in his half-brother's eyes sort of terrified Hawkfrost. His eyes gleamed with pride, but sadness shone even more brightly. He knew his half-brother once had a thing for the small and wiry she-cat, which could be the reason why Brambleclaw's gleamed with both pride and sadness.

"Hawkfrost, hurry or the whole Clan will leave you behind!" Rippletail called.

"Err sorry. I was just thinking about some stuff." Hawkfrost assures his Clanmate.

"Let me guess, what the future holds for you and Ivypool's kits?" Beechfur padded up to the two toms.

"Sure you can say." Hawkfrost shrugged, clearly lying but didn't let it slip.

"If their father is strong, then they'll make flawless warriors." Rippletail told Beechfur.

"Now hurry along. The Clan will be leaving you two." Hawkfrost races past the two young warriors.

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