Part 12

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A shrill screech caught Hawkfrost off guard as he was to catch a fish, making his shadow cast over the stream and causing the fish to flee. Could it be Ivypool? No. It's way too soon for our kits to come. Hawkfrost recalled his wiry mate's announcement to the clan that she was expecting kits. Unfortunately for Ivypool, the Clan didn't know she and Hawkfrost were mates, which made them call her a traitor. Ivypool dismisses that and says Hawkfrost is the father. Many cats were surprised and said that they thought he and Feathertail were together, but the light grey tabby she-cat sadly dismisses that. Stormfur, in the other hand, was furious and outraged that Ivypool was expecting Hawkfrost's kits, which started the whole 'give me what you got' "war" between the two toms.

The same shrill screech tang across the dark tabby's ear.

Hawkfrost looked around, hoping that no one saw what he was doing, "I'm coming!" He bunches up his muscles and charged to the calls. It led him to ThunderClan, which didn't surprise him.

"R-RiverClan? H-Hawkfrost?" A weak and familiar voice caught him off guard.

"Firestar?" Hawkfrost snapped his gaze towards the ThunderClan leader, who was some how stuck in a fox trap.

"Are you here to f-finish me off?" Firestar said.

"No. That was the old me. I have some experience with these traps. Ivypool got caught on one of them around a moon ago." Hawkfrost said while examining the trap. It was the same that caught Ivypool.

"I'll try taking the silver thing on your ne-" Hawkfrost was startled by the leaves that swirled around Brambleclaw's paws.

"What are you doing?! Are you going to kill him?" Brambleclaw snarled.

"Of course not! Do cats not understand past and present because I'm certain you don't."

"Just leave him! This is our problem, not yours."

"Okay and? What does that have to do with this?! He is injured for StarClan's sake! I know how to deal with fox traps!"

"Just leave Hawkfrost. There won't be blood spilled if you do."

"Is that a threat?!"

"Well what else would it be?! A praise?"

"Of course not fish-brained! Just let me help for the whole silver thing on the neck and I'll go back. Is that too much to ask for?"

"You aren't helping with anything! Get out of our territory!" Brambleclaw slowly advanced him.

"If Firestar looses a life, don't put the blame on me. If you do, I'll say that it was your fault for not letting me help. How would It feel? Knowing everyone would hate you because of that?" That did it for Brambleclaw.

The tabby charged at Hawkfrost, claws unsheathed, "Say that one more time and I'll shred you to pieces!"

"That one more time and I'll shred you to pieces. What? You told me to say that, did you not?"

"You're such a mouse-brained idiot!" Brambleclaw sliced his sides and hit Hawkfrost's head, REAL hard. The whole world turned black, then Hawkfrost flopped down.

"But what about my kits?" He whispered.

"You're what?" Brambleclaw demanded.

"Ivypool..." Hawkfrost whispered as he remembered his wiry mate, note that she was carrying his kits.

"H-Hawkfrost?" Brambleclaw nudged him, but Hawkfrost didn't budge.

~Brambleclaw's PoV~

Brambleclaw let Hawkfrost relax on his shoulder to take him back to RiverClan territory. He had helped release Firestar from the trap and now Brambleclaw was helping his possibly dead half-brother. After such a long tine, Brambleclaw and Hawkfrost made it to RiverClan's territory. The first cat the dark brown ThunderClan tabby tom saw was the silver and white pelt of Ivypool.

"Great StarClan! What happened?" The ran to Hawkfrost's aid. Once Brambleclaw explained their issue at ThunderClan territory, he might have regretted interfering with Hawkfrost.

"If he was trying to help, why in the name of StarClan did you hurt him?!" Ivypool snarled.

"I'm sorry. I really am!" Brambleclaw saw Ivypool let Hawkfrost lean on her shoulders.

"How am I supposed to take care of our kits if he isn't with me?" Ivypool wailed.

"Kits?" Brambleclaw looked at his paws in shame. Not only had be possibly killed Hawkfrost, but he had ruined Ivypool's chance as a mother.

"Get out Brambleclaw. Just leave. I don't want to see you ever again." Ivypool growled.

"But we-"

"Just go! Leave or else!" Ivypool hissed before turning back to her own camp, Hawkfrost leaning on her shoulder.

"Oh great StarClan I just broke her." Brambleclaw said quietly. I bet she hates me more than anything in this world. Brambleclaw thought as he walked back to ThunderClan's territory.

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