Joke 1-5

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1. What do you call a fish with no eyes?


2. A group of children are watching a frog expert check out  a frog in the zoo.

"You know kids, a male frog only eats female flies and a female frog only eats male flies" he says to the group.

One boy asks, "But how do you know if the flies are males or females?"

"You tell me! I'm only the frog expert!"

3. A husband and wife are together 45 years. Within that time they get 11 kids, and 22 grand kids.  When asked how they stayed together that long, the two said, "we said whoever packed up had to take the kids."

4. Knock knock

Who is there?



5. A poor man saw a sign on a diner if we can't make it for you, you get 500$! He walked in and asked for an elephant sandwich.  In reply, the waitress dug through the cash register.

"Are you out of elephants?" The poor man asks when he receives his prize.

"No we have plenty of those! We're just out of huge sandwich buns!"

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