Percy XV

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"Percy XV," Apollo read. 


They had landed near the summit of a forested hill. A complex of white buildings, like a museum or a university, nestled in a grove of pines to the left. Below them spread the city of Atlanta—a cluster of brown and silver downtown skyscrapers two miles away, rising from what looked like an endless flat sprawl of highways, railroad tracks, houses, and green swathes of forest.

Travis let out a low whistle. "Nice view."

Leo shrugged. "It was the tallest hill Festus and I could find."

"Still can't think of anywhere that would have salt water..." Chris said, listening carefully to the description.

"Could be somewhere in the city." Annabeth suggested. "Or maybe in those white buildings."

... [Leo] "I just picked a tall hill. That's a presidential library or something over there. At least that's what Festus says."

Annabeth perked up. 

"You should try checking there." she suggested to Percy.

He grinned. "Are you saying that because you think it'd have something to do with the quest, or do you just want to hear about the things they have in the museum?"

She paused.

"...The museum." Annabeth begrudgingly admitted. Percy chuckled. "But they might know something about salt water in Atlanta!" she added defensively.

"Sure." he teased.

"I don't know about that!" Hedge barked. "But do you realize what happened on this hill? Frank Zhang, you should know!"

Frank flinched. "I should?"

Connor snickered. "Is Frank scared of Coach Hedge or something?"

"Well, he did run when he thought Gleeson was going to get mad about the stables situation." Apollo reminded with a grin.

"But that could be because of what he saw in the stables." Aphrodite pointed out with a small giggle.

"A son of Ares stood here!" Hedge cried indignantly.

"I'm Mars, actually."

"Clearly." Ares snorted.

"Whatever! Famous spot in the American Civil War!"

"A son of Ares... Famous spot in the Civil War... Atlanta..." Annabeth muttered to herself. "General Sherman and the Burning of Atlanta?"

Clarisse nodded her head. "That's the one."

"I'm Canadian, actually."

"You can't win with him." Travis joked.

"Tough break, Coach." Connor added with a snicker.

"Whatever! General Sherman, Union leader. He stood on this hill watching the city of Atlanta burn. Cut a path of destruction all the way from here to the sea. Burning, looting, pillaging—now there was a demigod!"

Ares smirked. He puffed out his chest proudly.

"Of course he was." Grover sighed.

"Out of all the places, they have to land here?" Jake grimaced. "That can't be good luck."

Nyssa rolled her eyes. "It's just a coincidence."

Frank inched away from the satyr. "Uh, okay."

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