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you don't answer to your name,
you don't answer to my calls for
you, you don't answer the pleas
everyone begs for you.

who are you ?

i don't wish we never metㅡ
maybe i only wish we met
in a different time.

the times where i didn't
have to paste a broken
mask back together every
day, and back when i listen
ed to my hopeless heart.

i miss my times,
do you too ?

if i ask you do you love me,
i hope you lie to me.

if you lie to me maybe it'll
be easier. your sea won't
crash against my soul like
a wreckage of waves, maybe
finally i'll be able to sleep with
a heart that breaths on its own.

i'll stop when you've had enough.
i'll stop when you don't want it
anymore. i'll stop when your soul
finally whispers those caverned,
cursed lullabies to me.

i'm still working on myself,
trying to sculpt back the heinous
green ivy that sticks to my cheeks
and you want me to cry, i'll cry.

so far you've stuck around,
but please don't leave me now.

not now, not ever.

everything i do, it's all for you.
everything i do for the stranger;
sometimes overthinking is more
than overthinking.

it's so difficult to detach,
but it's easy to come back.
i'm losing touch, and maybe
i was never enough.

i miss all of our times,
where did they go ?

we're losing grasp, and
god, i'm not enough.

ㅡ jge.

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