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as humans, we wait.

as angels, we perish, we cry,
we indulge in the pain because
it is far too much to deceive.

as demons, we forget.

stretched into ebony, tampered
with the words written of the lord.

we're stitched from flaxen, loved
by lavender, and torn by emerald-
shards cling to your chest, piercing
the heart so heavily taken and painted
with charades of the masters that its
nevermore mistook.

yet we hold back the bleeding until
it wrecks our soul, our body; entangled
in our viens, pooling our hearts, and
tearing the brain that never had any use.

you became the rook in my game of
chess, my travel of hell, given no chance
of beating the heir but, "for you."

for me.

there was never a me,
never a murmured we.

you crafted a lie and i was
a bargain fool to believe it.

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