ツ20|Markhyuck pt. 4

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[Mini Chapter]
*knock knock knock*
"Haechan? I'm bored can I come in?" Renjun called the Haechan's door. "Fine" he mumbled back. Renjun happily galloped over towards Haechan's bed and plopped his small body down.

"Jeno and Jaemin wanted some alone time, Chenle and Jisung are being really clingy, I just figured since we both have no one to talk to, we can talk to each other." Renjun grinned.

"Thanks", Haechan smiled, "but there's nothing really to talk about".

"Sure there is Haechan! How has your day been?" Renjun placed his head against the wall, while Haechan curled his legs up after being laid out on the bed.

"Horrible", Haechan scoffed, "I mean, I went downstairs to get a coke, but it took my dollar so I didn't get my dollar, Jaehyun took my computer for work, my charger is messed up, and to top it all off, Mark tried to start a conversation with me like nothing happened." Haechan slapped his mouth realizing that he spoke that horrible name.


"Haechan, you wanna talk about it?" Renjun places his hand on Haechan's knee. "Not really, but you're probably gonna bug the stew outta me until I do. So I don't really have an option do I?" Renjun nodded with a playful grin on his face.


"I-I don't know how to start it off" Haechan bowed his head. "Just start off with how you feel about the whole situation. You don't have to go into detail or any of that shit, but just tell me how you're doing." Renjun gave a calming smile. That boy sure does know how to work his magic.

"I-I guess I'm just disappointed. Not with Mark, but with me." Haechan said.

"Why so?"

"Be-Because I let it go on. It became a weekly thing for Mark. And I was so damn clueless that I didn't notice it. And I've blocked everyone out of my life all because of one person; which was a really selfish thing for me to do", Renjun nodded as Haechan continued, "And I know he feels bad, and he's apologized god knows how many times, but I just can't bring myself to forgiving him." Haechan started to tear up a little.

"Do you want to forgive him?"

"Yes! I do! But, I just can't. It's like the words physically can't leave my mouth. Like, I know it's bad to say this, but I genuinely miss him. I miss the times when he would refuse my kisses on camera, then shower me with affection as soon as they're cut off. And I miss when he would physically lift me out of my bed because I refused to get up in the morning". Haechan chuckled. He was visibly starting to cry.

"I'm sorry" he said.

Renjun pulled the younger into a tight hug. Haechan's head resting on the elder's lap. "You have nothing to be sorry for Haechan. You're the victim in this situation. Not him".

Renjun sat there for a good few minutes stroking his hair to calm him down. Out of the lack of sleep Haechan had, he eventually passed out on Renjun's lap. They rarely got moments like these together. Renjun was either with Jeno and Jaemin, or Haechan was either with Mark or doing 127 activities.

Renjun eventually found himself dozing off with the boy's head in his lap. Renjun lifted his legs up onto the bed, trying to avoid waking Haechan. He finally got into a comfortable position, and fell asleep just like Chan.
Jeno slowly opened the door only to find the two boys cuddling up on Haechan's bed. He was so tempted to wake them up, but he knew Haechan needed the sleep.
A few hours passed, and the boys eventually woke up.

"Jesus Christ! How long did we sleep for? It's already getting dark outside!" Haechan yelled. "Obviously a while idiot" Renjun slapped the younger's chest with a mischievous grin.

Renjun began climbing off the bed, except Haechan stopped him. "Hey, thanks for talking with me earlier" he said. "Anytime" Renjun replied. The two found themselves staring into one another's eyes. Haechan loved those eyes. Renjun grabbed ahold of Haechan's hand as he started moving closer. Haechan didn't stop it, but he didn't want it to go on either.

Renjun started staring at those beautiful puffy lips of his. He was so tempted to close the space between one another, but he just had a talk with Haechan about cheating; he didn't want to be a hypocrite. Before Renjun could move away, Haechan did exactly what Renjun thought.

Haechan wrapped his hands around Renjun's cheeks and kissed him harder then he's kissed anyone.

"Hae-Haechan" Renjun was in utter disbelief.

"Shit. Sorry. I didn't mean to do that. You- you should probably get going. Thanks again." Haechan said while shoving the smaller boy out of his room.

"Haechan wait" he called out.

"What!" Haechan yelled back. "M-My phone" Renjun looked at those eyes again. Those beautiful brown eyes. Haechan nodded and grabbed his phone.

"Bye Jun have a nice day!" Haechan quickly said. As he closed the door, he turned around and placed his back against it. He slowly slid down, landing with his arms wrapped around his knees. Tears started flowing out of his eyes.

What the hell is wrong with me.

Plot twist ;)
How do you feel everyone🤠✌🏼

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