You push me away

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I ran into the police station as they were getting ready to release Justin. He was standing there talking to an officer. He was close enough I could still hear. I stood there, waiting for him to turn around.

"Now go on get out of here boy", the officer said pushing Justin back.

Justin regained his balance and tensed his jaw

"Are we gunna have a problem boy?", the officer spat at him, the officer glanced at his gun then back at Justin

"No, and unless your gunna use that, don't fucking touch me again", Justin spat back

"How old are you?", the officer asked with a sly smirk on his face

"17", Justin replied

"I'd watch that attitude boy",

"What attitude? As far as I'm concerned I'm thrilled as hell to e here. Especially with the warm welcome and shit", the officer raised his fist and punched Justin square in the face

"NO", I screamed and ran over to him, standing in between him and the cop

"I'm taking him home...Im taking him home...", I said before I turned Justin around and started walking out with him, when we walked out of the front doors, Justin reached down and grabbed my hand, intertwining our fingers.

This time when we got in the car he got in the passengers side and I drove home.

Most of the ride was silent until we were about 5 minutes away from the house

"Are you okay?", Justin asked concern filling his voice

"I'm fine", I said as I turned into the driveway. But I knew he didn't believe me, he could hear the shaking in my voice.

I got out of the car and picked up my bag, it was almost noon

"Where are you going",

"School", I said before I walked out of the door and got in the car again driving to school.

I felt sick, but not the usual sick I feel. I usually feel sick in the way when you know something bad is going to happen so you have a ball in your stomach.

I feel like I'm gunna puke. And certain smells have been making me feel sick.

I pulled parked at the school parking lot, I got out of the car, grabbed my bag and headed into school. But when I stepped in I felt dizzy and hot, I ran into the nearest bathroom, the closest stall and threw up a couple times.

I leaned back against the side of the stall and placed a hand on my stomach, and in that moment I swear I felt something move. Then it hit me. I thought I had been gaining weight, the smells, the sickness.

I stood up and grabbed my bag off the floor and swung it over my shoulder, and walked right out of the school, got in my car and headed to the gas station

I parked my car and got out again, walking into the has station, I passed through the aisles until I found what I came for. I payed at the counter and walked into they're bathroom. When I was done I washed my hands an grabbed it, I walked out to the car, to wait for the results.

I set a timer for the results

I tapped on the steering wheel to the beat of 'James dean and Audrey Hepburn'

I jumped at the sound of the alarm, I reached for the white stick that will tell me my fate.

When I saw what it said I burst out in tears and smiled, I leaned my head back and kept crying with a smile on my face.

The smile soon faded and I slammed my hands onto the steering wheel, and turned the key and took off towards the house.

When I parked the car in the driveway I walked up to the door, I opened it quietly, I don't want Justin to see me.

He was asleep on the couch

I kept quite and walked up the stairs, into the bathroom, I turned the bath on and filled it to the top.

I got in, with my leggings and jimmy Hendrix shirt on.

I put my whole body under water

So no one could hear me as I screamed

I came back up from the water gasping for air, I turned towards the drawers by the bath and tarted to dig through them till I found what I wanted

I sat back in the tub with the shinny piece of sharp metal

I started to drag it across my skin as I cried and screamed

The door bust open and Justin stood there,

His jaw dropped when he saw me. And tears started to pool in his eyes

He ran over to me and tried to pull the razor away from me

"NO STOP", I screamed in tears

"NALA LET GO", he barked back with venom

I let go out of fear, he threw it in the sink

He climbed in the tub with me, with his clothes on, he held me from behind

I fought at first

I just wanted to die

He shoved my bloody arms under the water turning it red

'Shh' he cooed in my ear as he would place soft kisses on my neck, and behind my ear.


Well what do you guys think? Is nala pregnant or not?




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