I fear you might change your mind

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I woke up to the sun peaking through

I felt next to me for Justin but he wasn't there

I opened my eyes and sat up

Justin sat at the end of the bed,, head in hands, his gold cross necklace that was always there, was hanging down

"You don't love me do you?", he spat


He jumped up and turned to face me

"YOU DONT WANT ME ANYMORE!", he screamed...i snapped

"ALL IVE EVER WANTED WAS YOU!", I screamed at him

"But all you ever gave me was a box of fucking darkness", I continued, he ran his hands through his hair and then dropped them to his side.

"It's okay....i hate me too", he said looking at the floor

"I love you", I said tears rushing down my face

"I love you too", he said still not looking up

"I love you so much Justin, but you are the darkness.",

"What are you saying?", he asked as he finally looked up

"I'm saying you need to go", and to my surprise, he didn't fight my words, he just nodded and put on a grey cotton long sleeve and a beanie, when he left he shut the bedroom door behind him

The boy with the grey eyesWhere stories live. Discover now