Red rain drops

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As I parked the car I looked over to the empty passenger seat, it just held her back pack now. But next to the back pack was a little white stick, I picked it up and turned it over.

I smiled and slightly chuckled when I saw what it read.

I got out of the car and walked to the end over the pier where I sat on the edge, letting my legs hang over

I played with the little white stick, turning it over and fiddling with it, I shoved it into my pocket. And from my other pocket I pulled out a pack of smokes, I grabbed one and returned the rest to my pocket. I place it in my mouth and stood up. I took one last look at the orange painted water before I turned around

And when I turned around

I was faced with the barrel of a gun

And behind that gun

Was Walker

"Hey Justin", was all he said before he fired

And it hit me right in the chest

I fell onto my back, and laid there for about 5 minutes

Before I got the strength to pull my phone out of my pocket

And dial a number I swore I would never dial

"911 what's your emergency",

"Yes...ive been...shot...on the pier...send gunna gunna...", I managed to get out before everything went black

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