Prologue: They Will Return Someday.

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It was a cold and snowy January night at Amity Park, Minnesota in the year 1948. Everything would have been peaceful, but a battle was taking place at a street in the town as ecto-blasts was being shot around. A group of agents, who are part of both the ghost hunting organization Fenton Works and the top-secret Allied war agency the Strategic Scientific Reserve, was firing ecto-blasts from their anti-ghost blasters at a group of Harvester ghosts near a house. One hour ago, a large battle took place at the Fenton Ghost Bunker where the leader and founder of Fenton Works and S.S.R. scientist, Harry Fenton, was on a mission to save Ida Greenberg from former Fenton Works assistant Manfred Bauer, who has kidnapped Ida. With help from his fellow friends and S.S.R. operatives Peggy Carter, Howard Stark, Daniel Sousa, Tommy Mitchell, Benjamin Manson and the Howling Commandos, Harry managed to save Ida. However, Manfred handles a ancient, powerful and deadly ghost artifact called the Tetrahedron with his bare hands, causing it to activate and sends him and the remaining Harvester ghosts at the bunker through a ghost portal into a far away dimension in the Ghost Zone. Although Ida has been rescued and Manfred gone, there is still Harvester ghost presence at Amity Park, more specifically at Manfred's house. Harry send several of his Fenton Works or S.S.R. agents to Manfred's house to recover data and plans from Manfred on what he was planning to do on his conquest of Earth, but the agents that were send to investigate became under attack by the Harvesters that were guarding the house. Some agents were hiding behind alleys to avoid the ecto-rays from the Harvesters.

"Where's the boss?!" an Fenton Works/S.S.R. agent asked.

"Mr. Fenton, along with Mr. Mitchell and Mr. Manson, should arrived in a few minutes. They already left Ms. Greenberg with Agent Carter to an S.S.R. outpost to keep her safe until all the Harvesters are destroyed." another agent replied.

The Harvesters continue to fire ecto-energy blasts at the agents until suddenly, a 1946 Plymouth Deluxe car drove through the street at top speed before it ran over the Harvesters, reducing them to ectoplasm. The car came to a stop before the driver came out of the car. It was a young 30 year old man with messy black hair, blue eyes, and wearing a gray business suit with a white collared shirt underneath, a black tie and black business shoes. It was Harry Fenton. Harry immediately grabbed a anti-ghost blaster that was attached with a cord to keep it working. Harry immediately blasted ecto-rays at the Harvesters that were attacking the agents, and destroys them. Another person came out of the back seat of the car. It was also a young 30 year old man who had blue eyes, black hair in a classic military cut, and wearing a brown business suit with a white collared shirt underneath, a black tie, brown pants and black business shoes. It is Harry's friend Benjamin Manson. The agents came out of their hiding spots and approached Harry and Benjamin.

"How many more Harvesters are there?" Harry asked.

"We don't know, sir, but the place is heavily guarded." an agent replied.

"Are there any ghosts that came from inside the house?" Benjamin asked.

"We saw some, but not all. There might more inside." another agent replied.

"Tommy, how many Harvesters is the Fenton Ecto-Signature Analyzer detecting?" Harry asked.

A person on the passenger side of the car walked out. It was a young 22 year old man with brown eyes, brown hair in a classic military cut, wearing a white collar shirt with a gray vest, black tie, gray pants and black business shoes. It is Harry's assistant and trusted friend Tommy Mitchell. Tommy was currently using the Fenton Ecto-Signature Analyzer to detect ecto-signatures from the Harvesters. The clock's arm was pointed not too high.

"Around 10, Harry." Tommy replied.

"All right, not many. We get in there, and we take them out. We have no other choice, we have to gather everything on what Manfred was planning on now that he's gone." Harry said.

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