one {The Cutest Couple}

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Andy: 18 / Gay
Rye: 19 / Gay
Brook: 18 / Bisexual
Sonny: 17 / Gay
Jack: 18 / Straight

3rd persons pov

Andy and his boyfriend, whos name is Rye, were walking through the school doors. As soon as they entered the school everyone looked at them. They were the dream couple and also the most popular couple at the school and honestly.. they were goals.
They went to their lockers to get their stuff for the lessons. Rye and Andy have all their classes together. That's good for them, because they can spend really much time together and sit next to each other all the time. During the lessons they would occassionally steal kisses and hold hands over the table.

After the first three lessons Andy and Rye put their things back into the lockers and then went to the canteen. There Rye told Andy to sit down on their usual place while he would go and get food. So Andy did what his boyfriend told him. He sat down next to their friend Sonny and soon after Jack joined them too.

When Rye came back with the food they all tugged in immediately. They talked about many different things. About annoying teachers or classmates, too much homework, what they will do on the afternoons, if they'll meet up or not. But in the end their conversation went to a new boy who is apparently going to come to their school.

At the end of lunch break they had decided to meet up the next day after school. Andy and Rye wanted to spend this evening together though, so they decided to go to Andy's after school. After the next few lessons school was finally over and everybody went home.

Andy and Rye went into the direction of Andy's place. They walked hand in hand, from time to time they shared a sweet, loving kiss. When they arrived Andy unlocked the door and they went inside. They were greeted by Andy's mum. She hugged them both. "It's good to see you Rye", she said and smiled.

For Andy's mother Rye was like a second son. Well a second son who dated her first. She loved the relationship Andy and Rye had. They both loved each other and one could see that just by the look in their eyes when they looked at one another. A look full of love. Rye cared about her son and she could see that. She trusted him not to hurt Andy.

Andy and Rye have been together since almost one and a half years. They never argued in this time. Well at least they haven't had big fights. Every now and then a little one, over nothing important. But doesn't everyone have these fights. And after they made up they were back stronger than ever.

After a little chat with Andy's mother Rye and Andy went upstairs into Andy's room. First they did their homework. Helping each other when they didn't know the answer and explaining it. Then, when they were finished they got into Andy's bed, turned on a movie and cuddled.

They pulled the duvet up to their chests and Andy placed his head on Rye's shoulder. Rye wrapped an arm around the other boys waist and kissed his head. Andy lifted his head up and looked into Rye's eyes. He put his hand on his boyfriends chest and felt his heartbeat. The two boys slowly leaned in until their lips touched. The film long forgotten, they let the kiss linger a bit, but then Rye pulled away. He smiled at Andy before crashing their lips right back together. Rye deepened the kiss immediately, wiping his tounge over Andy's lower lip. But Andy, who decided to tease Rye a bit, denied the access.

Rye pulled away pouting but Andy just laughed at him, pecking his lips one last time before snuggling back into his chest. Rye stroked Andy's arm with his fingers, running them up and down. Like this the two boys fell asleep to the soft tunes of the movie running in the background.

When Andy's mother yelled for them to come downstairs because dinner was ready, she got no answer. Sighing she went upstairs and opened the door to Andy's room slowly. When she saw the two teenagers cuddled up into the bed she smiled softly. She woke them and went back downstairs. Andy and Rye slowly got out of bed. They pecked each others lips and then went downstairs too. They sat down at the dining table and started to eat. Their hands stayed intertwined under the table the whole time, though. After the meal Rye thanked Andy's mother for the lovely dinner. Then he went to Andy's room to get his school bag. He gave his boyfriends mother a hug and kissed Andy goodbye. Andy wrapped his arms around Rye's torso and hugged him tight. He didn't want to let go of him.

"Andy baby, I need to go home now, but we'll see each other tomorrow okay?", Rye said. Eventually Andy let go of Rye, but not before giving him one last kiss on the lips. Rye stroked Andy's cheek with his fingers, feeling the soft skin. Then he went home.

Words: 872
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