five {Alone}

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Over the next week Rye ignored Andy completely. He talked to their friends, though. But as soon as Andy was in sight he walked away in the opposite direction. He could feel Andy's gaze, it pierced like an arrow into his back. Andy needed to talk to Rye so bad. He wanted to explain himself, but Rye didn't want to talk, at all. He ignored Andy's calls and texts. Andy even tried instagram dms, only to get blocked though.

They both cried as soon as they were alone in their room. Their parents worried about them as they never came out of their rooms anymore, only for school. They heard them crying every night and they wanted the two boys to solve their shit and become the cute couple they were, again.

Andy felt like shit. He just destroyed a long-going, stable relationship. He and Rye worked perfectly together, always knowing what the other thought and whether he needed something. Andy knew it was his fault and he hated himself for it. But he also tried to safe the relationship so hard. If Rye just wasn't that stubborn, if he would let him explain.

Rye wasn't any better. He cried all the time and he just wanted one thing. He wanted Andy back. But he was too stubborn to admit that to either himself or anyone else. He also didn't want to talk to Andy. He didn't even want to see him. He knew they needed to talk, but he just really didn't want to, which is understandable, considering what had happened.

Rye was walking along the hallway, Sonny by his side, when he heard someone yell his name. He turned around and saw Andy running towards him. Immediately he sped up his steps, going to his next class. Andy tried his best to catch up with him, but he couldn't. He turned around and walked over to Sonny. "Did he say anything about me?", Andy asked his best friend who just shook his head, having Andy sigh. "Sorry mate, he just really doesn't want to talk about you. Whenever I try he cuts me off and changes the theme."

On the same day, a few hour later, Andy had tried to talk to Rye again. When Rye went to the toilette he followed, hoping to get the chance to talk to him there. As soon as Rye saw him though, he hurried and walked out again. "Please Rye", Andy called after him, just to be ignored once again. He sighed in frustration, he just wanted to explain himself and get Rye back. He was the love of his life.

"Rye wait", Andy ran after him. Once he walked next to Rye again, he asked for a chance to talk about it. But Rye shook his head. "Look Andy, I can't. Give me time. Then maybe we can talk about it. But not now, you hurt me!" "I know Rye, I'm sorry." Rye sighed and turned around to leave. Behind him he heard a small 'I love you' and at this point he thought he had to burst into tears once again.

Andy couldn't hold it any longer. He started crying in the school hallway, tears streaming down his cheeks. Jack saw him and hurried to him. "Andy, mate, what's wrong", he asked worried. Because even though Andy just told Sonny what had happened exactly, their two other friends knew something was off with him and Rye. "Nothing... just. I-", he sighed, "Rye won't talk to me."
"I'm sorry mate, wanna tell me why?", Jack asked his friend.
"Sorry", Andy shook his head, "not right now. Maybe another time."
Jack nodded his head understandingly.

Then Andy rushed home as fast as possible. He stormed in through the door and into his mother's arms. "Mum", he sobbed, "he won't talk to me"
"Shh Andy, baby, I know it's hard. But he'll come around.", she answered, trying to calm her son down a bit.
"But... I fucked up", the young blond argued. Together with his mum, He walked upstairs into his room.
"I know, honey. But he loves you and he will forgive you. Just give him time.", she said. Andy went to bed and laid down. His mother sat on the edge of the bed, stroking his hair gently.
"Go to sleep sweetheart. It'll be okay, I promise."
Andy nodded, still shaken up. But he tried his best to stop crying and eventually, he fell asleep.

Words: 746
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