eleven {Telling Their Friends}

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Walking to school the next monday was stressfull for Rye, Andy and Brooklyn. As always they walked together. Although this time all three of them were holding hands. They liked it, but were also afraid of the judgemental looks of other people. They weren't ashamed, just scared that something would happen. All the way from the house to the school they talked about how to tell their friends about them. Knowing their friends would be supportive still didn't make it easier. They decided to do it after school, at the little tree group.

"Hey guys!", Jack yelled once he saw his friends heading towards him over the schoolyard. Brook let go of Andy's hand a while ago, not wanting to draw any attention to himself. Once arrived the five friends went to their first class. Rye and Andy sat down next to each other, obviously. The brunette asked Brooklyn to sit with them but he declined and sat at his usual place between Sonny and Jack. The teacher started to teach about anything and nothing. The boys didn't really care, as they weren't listening.

Andy and Rye were kissing occationally, the rest of the time looking over at Brook wanting to be by him. The green eyed talked to Jack and Sonny, also not paying attention. Looking over at his boyfriends quickly he comunicated with them through eye contact. "Hey Sonny, Jack.", he said then. "Do you wanna hang out with us this afternoon?"
"Who's us.", Jack chuckled and Sonny laughed. "Andy, Rye and I.", the blonde stated. "Okay.", Sonny replied and smiled. Jack nodded, agreeing too.

After the last period all five friends met at the school entrance. Together they walked to the park. Andy and Rye didn't join their hands, not wanting to upset Brooklyn with it. Finally arriving, they sat down under the trees where they always hung out. They sat down in a circle, the three lovers next to each other, getting ready to tell their story. "Okay, so spill.", Jack said directly after placing his butt next to Sonny's. "Uhh, wh-what? No.. nothi-", Brook stuttered, but was interrupted by the raven haired. "Come on, it's obvious. You wanted to tell us something, that's why you directed us here."

Helplessly the blonde looked at his boyfriends. Rye immediately understood and started talking. "Yeah, okay you got us. We wanted to tell you something, explain even.", he began and then told the whole story, right from the beginning. Jack and Sonny listened carefully, a fond smile decorating their lips. "Aww, that's so beautiful!!", Jack squealed. Sonny laughed at him, but then agreed. "Please kiss!! Ahh that's so cute. Pleeease!!!", Jack clapped his hands, in an excited manner.

Rye chuckled relieved and leaned over to Brooklyn. He pressed a small peck to his lips, then leaned over to his other boyfriend, kissing him too. Andy smiled at the brunette, leaned over to Brook and kissed him lovingly, too. He slowly let his tongue slide into Brook's mouth, deepening the kiss. Rye eventually broke them apart and pulled each one into one of his sides. "Alright, babes. We got the message, you can stop now." Andy pouted and Brook giggled, placing a kiss on his taller boyfriend's cheek.

"Aw, guys. That's really so cute!", Sonny smiled. The two blonde boys blushed. "You're adorable", said Rye and kissed them on their heads.

The five mates stayed at the park until it was evening. Laughing and talking they didn't even notice how fast the time passed. "Oh crap, it's already half past seven! Sorry guys. I gotta go home. My mum's making dinner.", Brook exclaimed and jumped up. He quickly pressed a kiss to each of his boyfriends' lips and hugged his friends. Then he walked away, waving.

"Well, I actually gonna head home too.", Andy said. He stood up and all the others followed, saying that they had to be home soon as well.
Together they walked most of the way. Then they split up, Sonny heading home towards the exact opposite direction than his friends. They hugged for a quick good bye. Soon enough Jack had to split too. Rye accompanied Andy right to his front door, pecking his cheek and turned around to walk home himself. He looked back a last time. "Bye babe. Sleep tight."

Words: 719
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