Chapter 10: Car troubles

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❤️ Katherine Montgomery ❤️


I woke up with a killer headache. I only drank a cup of alcohol last night and yet I'm hungover. This is why Katherine and Alcohol don't mix. The result is horrible.

I rolled over and tried finding my cellphone on my bedside table with my eyes closed. After a minute of fumbling and not finding my precious jewel, I opened one eye and grabbed it.

I was shocked when I saw that the time was 20 minutes past 3 in the afternoon. The last time I had woken up this late was last year when I had stayed up all night with my friends watching chick-flicks at their house.

I flopped back down on my bed.

I don't want to get up.

Something was nagging at the back of my mind. Something crucial. What exactly had happened last night? I felt like I had it at the tip of my fingers and yet I couldn't get a grasp of it.

Hayley's party... Andrew... Arm-wrestling with Clary... Mitch and Cam... Dylan... Hayley being a bitch... Drunk Victoria... Wait.


As if on cue, I heard a rustle to my left. Somebody was on my spare bed and I had a good idea of who it was.

I got up from my bed as slowly as possible and had to support myself with my wall because I was having a head rush. I walked over to my spare bed and ripped my bunny blanket off the moving body of my best friend.

"Ugh! Let me sleep! Just an hour more, I swear!" she whined.

"Ms Hastings, you better get your ass up from the bed right now. I have many questions for you."

"I'm having a reeeeaaally bad hangover, Kat, please just let me sleep." She pulled the blanket back over her head.

But I wasn't giving up so easily.

I pulled it back away from her. "Of course you would have a bad hangover, you had so much to drink last night! And you want to hear the best part? While you were drunk last night, you confessed some serious stuff to me which I thought you would have told your best friend while you were sober, but I guess I was wrong, wasn't I?"

She peered at me from the corner of her eyes before asking me, "What kind of confession are we talking about here?"

"A I-might-have-a-giant-crush-on-someone-but-I'm-only-telling-you-because-I'm-drunk type of confession."

"Oh, God no. Please tell me you're joking! I can't believe I told you I like Andrew!" she buried her face in my pillows.

"Aha! I got you! Last night, you did tell me that you have a crush on someone but you didn't exactly tell me who you had a crush on. But now I know." I crossed my arms triumphantly.

"You cannot be serious. I just told you I have a crush on Andrew Miller and all you care about is how you managed to trick me? Unbelievable." she gaped at me.

I couldn't argue with that because she was right. I was feeling more ecstatic about how I managed to get her to spill the beans rather than shocked about her confession.

I sat down on her bed gently. "When did this happen? Why haven't you told me this before?"

"Look, Kat, I know you want all the deets right now but can we please do this some other time? I really need rest, my head is pounding from all the alcohol I had last night and I don't think I will be able to tell you anything straight without messing it up. So can I please go home?"

"Babe, of course you can. I understand. Just let me drive you home, okay? I don't trust you to drive yourself even when you're not drunk."

I am such a good best friend.

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