S2 EP3 "Remember Me"

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Season 2

"Remember Me"

"Are you ready for your next session, Amber?" Pat asked.

"No," Amber replied, her voice stale and monotone.

Amber was never ready for these sessions, even though this would be her fourth one. Each one made her feel more and more worse.

Pat grabbed her hand. "Amber. You have to let it go. What's done is done. You can't change the past."

"I didn't have to do it, you know. I had a choice," Amber replied dryly.

Pat let go of her hand, got up out of her chair, and walked to the window, looking at the orange hue of the sky.

"Amber, I know you feel bad about it. You have every reason to feel the way you do, but I mean...it's understandable. You didn't want to bring a baby into this world. No one would want to. You think that'd be beneficial for the baby? It was a hard decision, and you did what you thought was best. That's it. You have to forget about it and move on. You can't afford to be like this now. You need to stay on your guard."

Amber didn't say anything.

"Look, maybe we can...take a walk. I can help you act like it never happened."

Amber looked at Pat. "Why did Marie stop doing sessions with me? How come you're doing them now?"

"Um...I know a little lake. It's very nice. It's so peaceful too, it's as if your problems just melt away..."

"You know what, fuck you Pat!! You think this is so easy don't you? You think I don't try to forget about it? Just because you've never had a kid! You have no goddamn idea how it feels! Stop trying to fucking help me, and go do some shit instead of poking in everyone else's business! Jesus Christ!"

Pat was extremely taken aback, her eyes wide, and her jaw dropped.

"Amber...I- I- I don't know what to say, I mean-"

"Pat, stop trying to come up with an answer. Stop trying to give advice all the time. I didn't ask for these 'therapy' sessions. The only reason you're doing this is because Frank thinks I'm too unstable to be around everyone else. I mean, fuck, since when is a mourning woman unstable?"

"Amber, that's not true! I sincerely want to help you with this. I'm here to listen to your wants."

"Then leave me the fuck alone. That's all I've been wanting. Quit acting like my mother, and try talking to your actual daughter for a change."

Pat's eyes narrowed. "Keep Marie out of this."

"I'm right though, aren't I?"

Pat left the room, slamming the door behind her.

Amber looked down at the floor. "I'm sorry, Pat. Pushing you away will make it easier."


"Amber! Amber! C'mon, get up!" whispered Tony as he tried to shake Amber out of her nap.

Amber's eyes slowly opened as she turned on her side to look at Tony. She rubbed her eyes and said, "Tony? Damn, I didn't expect you. I thought you were on a run with Jacob and Frank?"

Tony gave Amber a dark look.

"Look, that's the problem here. Frank shot Jake in the leg."

"What!!? That's...that's crazy! Why would he do that? Is Jacob okay?"

"Jake's fine, he fainted. The thing is, I need your help."

At this point, Amber got up and sat on the edge of her bed. "Sure Tony, anything."

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