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Hello. I'm not sure who is still keeping up with my horrid series, but to those who have been, I want to apologize. I am very very sorry for neglecting this series in the middle of a season. I have a very good explanation for this though.
     It was back in...August, I believe. I just finished episode eleven and the bloody season finale. I was so happy to finally get into a position where I was producing faster than I was releasing. It felt great. The day had come to release Episode 11, and the worst thing ever happened.
     WattPad and I have never had issues as far as saving my stories however, when I opened up the app to publish Episode 11, it wasn't there. To top it off, neither was the finale. I tried doing what I could but ultimately I could do nothing. I don't know if I did something or if it's WattPad's fault, but the final two episodes were lost.
     Naturally, I was very angry and discouraged. I felt like I should probably rewrite both episodes, but they were very very lengthy. I just didn't have the motivation to finish it. I decided it was best to just abandon the project altogether.
     Luckily for you guys, I have decided to keep the series going and move onto a new season. "What does that mean for the lost episodes?" you ask?
Well, I need you guys to know what happens in those two episodes because it really sets the stage and presents the mood of Season 3. So what I have decided is that in this letter, I will provide a summary of what happened and the current emotional status of each character so you can really understand what was supposed to happen.
Will I ever rewrite the lost episodes? Maybe. If I feel up to it, I most likely will. Until then, enjoy this half-assed summary:

S2 EP11- Calm Before the Storm

After retrieving the fish from Ocean Crest Aquarium whose venom was required for The Doctor's cure, and the group deciding to celebrate and have a feast with the newfound supplies they have found, everyone is in pretty high spirits. However, Frank is stressed out about the impending doom that is Geoff Korea. After the feast, Frank decides to drink himself to sleep.
The next morning, Frank decides that it's best to prepare the group by setting up stronger defenses and training everyone to shoot a gun. Much to his dismay, no one sees the need for Frank's extra precautions.
Meanwhile, Marie assists Sean in trying to confront Jacob about the death of his mom, Angela. Although a worthy attempt, not much is talked about and Sean continues to be angry with his dad.
Seeing how everyone is unprepared and that the group will most definitely die, Frank tries to drink himself to sleep again. Realizing he's run out of alcohol, he sneaks down into the pantry to grab more vodka but runs into Marie.
Drunk and with unclear thinking, Frank tries to have sex with Marie which is met with a violent response. Marie regroups with everyone else outside, and tells no one about what just happened.
Frank goes back to his room and drinks more until he's unconscious.
Outside, everyone is wishing Amber good luck with the cure and that they'll see her tomorrow. Jacob follows Amber into The Doctor's lab and is allowed to administer the cure into Amber's blood stream. Jacob and Amber share a sentimental moment with each other before both leaving each other with a good night.

S2 Finale- Roll of the Die

Jacob wakes up energized and hopeful. He immediately goes to The Doctor's lab to check up on Amber. Inside, Amber is motionless and so Jacob assumes she's still resting. Jacob tries to find The Doctor and finally sees him in his room. Next to him is a sawed off shotgun. Jacob asks why The Doctor has that weapon next to him.
The Doctor then explains that the cure was a failure. Amber still turned which made him have to kill her.
Jacob, stunned, goes to confirm that Amber is dead. He gets his answer by noticing a knife wound in her head.
While with Amber, a loud shot is heard in The Doctor's room
Jacob goes back in and sees that The Doctor has blown his head clean off with the shotgun.
Outside, everyone wonders what the loud noise was. Jacob explains to the group everything that had just happened.
Finally waking up, Frank goes outside and scolds the entire group for not listening to him. He says that minutes from now, a man named Geoff Korea and his men will kill every last one of them. As prepared as they'll ever be, the group grabs weapons and prepares for battle.
Eventually, two moving vans park on each side of Elysium. One man jumps out of each van and blows up the gates with RPGs. Then, they begin to shoot the building with rockets. Afterwards, the backs of the moving vans move up to reveal over two dozens of Walkers.
After all the Dead have moved out, the vans drive away into an unknown location.
After a long and dangerous fight, the group manages to find a window large enough for them all to escape in two vehicles. They all look back the destroyed Elysium as the Dead begin to take over.
Geoff Korea is in his truck with one of his men in a secluded area where he watches Jacob and the group. He decides not to pursue them.

And there you have it, the whole stories were really good and detailed. It still bothers me that I couldn't finish them. And now, a character update list for each person who was in both episodes.


Jacob Ryan- After dealing with the loss of his wife and being shunned by his son, Jacob tried to keep the group in high spirits. Being heavily affected by the loss of Amber, The Doctor, and the possibility of a cure, Jacob finds it hard to bottle up his feelings of hopelessness.

Sean Ryan- Having to cope with the loss of his mother, ceasing communication with his dad, and being taken care of by Marie, Sean has had to grow up faster than the usual 11 year old.

Tony Brooks- Trying to keep it together, Tony tries to stay hopeful despite losing Elysium and his friends.

Frank Mathers- Buckling under the stress of being leader and the inevitable attack by Geoff Korea, Frank's Christian faith is waning fast and his alcohol abuse is starting to come into light again. He is devastated by the loss of a shelter he spent days creating.

Amber Waterman- Still heavily affected by the murder of her unborn baby, Amber decided to be injected with the cure to test if it works. Unfortunately, the cure did not work and she instead turned into a Walker.

The Doctor- After seeing his dream experiment of a cure fail right before his eyes, The Doctor lost all hope and decided to shoot himself in the head with a shotgun.

Marie Favors- Having to be pressured into using a gun, Marie's pacifist philosophy truly came into play. She's also had to be a caretaker for Sean and mediator between him and Jacob. Marie also had to deal with attempted rape by Frank. She is also feeling complete dread by the loss of Elysium.

Pat Martinez- She is heavily disturbed by the death of The Doctor and the destruction of Elysium.

Justin Clinton- Justin is dealing with heavy depression after losing his best friend Ivan, and the destruction of Elysium. He's finding it harder to look calm and collected in front of his girlfriend, Elizabeth.

Elizabeth Taft- After almost being killed, losing her friend Ivan, and having to abandon Elysium, Elizabeth is one step away from ending herself.

Geoff Korea- A ruthless and maniacal Bandit, he ordered the attack on Elysium. Knowing there are even more dangerous things out in the world, he decides not to finish off Jacob and his group.


Well, there you guys go. As you can see, these characters have just about hit rock bottom. This will be an important detail in the upcoming episodes of Season 3. I hope you guys enjoyed this. Thanks to all of you who still read my series. I can't wait to start the new Season. It'll be like a fresh start. Anyway, good bye for now, and I'll see you in Season 3!! :)

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