War of the Dead

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The Kosovo War is still violently raging, Albania seems to have the upper hand. But, Albanian scientists are working on biological weapons to gain power over all of the other combatants in this war. These weapons were working extremely well, taking out anyone in their path.

That's when America decides to put their foot in and help out Serbia. Trained soldiers flood the lands of Albania, trying to break their power. Many Americans are killed, even with them being highly trained. These bio weapons are just way too strong, even for America. Those injured, are whisked off away to medical facilities in Cruor City, Washington. Many more deaths and injuries occur, these Albanians were just too powerful.  The remaining Serbians and American soldiers fled away, retreating from the blood and lead. Overtime the American's came up with plans on how to attack and defeat these tyrants. But that's when something weird began happening. The dead and wounded began to rise, ripping the flesh off of anyone. The city of Cruor began to fall, people either fled or were left for these beasts to have their way with.  The mayor of the city put out an order, walls were put up around the city's borders, preventing anyone from leaving and spreading this unknown plague. Deputy Aaron Knight, is ordered to investigate this odd phenomenon, and figure out what caused this. At the same time a Private in the US Army is heading over to the city to find her brother Dave, who was last reported to be in this city. The two meet up in a skirmish with this flesh eating beasts. The two have never met, but decide to work together, as they have no choice but death. But because of deciding to press through these walls, they cannot leave. 

After Aaron shot that bullet to free this Private, caused...


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