No More Room in Hell

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Becki opened her eyes.

"What the fuck happened?"

Her torso was trapped under a metal bar, and she was unable to move.

"Fuck!" she said loudly, loud enough to attract zombies to her position.

"Oh shit!" she said as several began to inch closer and closer to her.

"Fuck...fuck, I can't move this damn thing," she said under her breath.

She tried pushing the metal bar off her, and tried pulling her body out from under it, neither worked.

A zombie was now right over her body. It crouched down, grabbed her arm and began to inch its rotten bloody mouth towards her arm.

Becki tried shaking her arm, trying to break its grasp.

That's when gunshots went off, one miraculously hitting the zombie try to rip Becki's flesh off in the head. The zombie fell to the ground, and now Becki was covered in blood. The zombies going towards Becki were now more interested in the gunshots and slowly began going towards the sound.

"Phew, shit, that was too close." She said in her head after breathing out from relief.

Becki tried pushing off the metal bar, and this time she finally moved it, not much, but enough to slide herself out.

She got up onto her feet and looked around. Fire littered the street, most likely from the explosion, but Aaron was nowhere to be found.

"He must have gotten separated from me and went off on his own," she said in her head.

There was an alleyway right beside her, it looked to be empty of any lifeforms. She walked towards and down the alleyway to find a partially cracked open door. She proceeded into the cracked door and walked inside to find bodies lying all over the tiled floor.

"Geez...what happened here?" she said.

She looked around the room she was in, she was standing in an emergency room.

She began walking around the room and out some double doors which led into many halls of hospital patient rooms. There was a large blood streak that led down one of the halls and around a corner. She looked inside one of the hospital patient rooms to find a dead security guy with a bullet wound to the head. A magnum revolver was in being held in his left hand. His entire chest was ripped open, exposing his ribs and half-eaten organs.

"Shit, what a way to go," she said.

She grabbed the revolver, and when she checked to grab her handgun, it wasn't in her holster.

"Shit, must have flown off me during that explosion." She said in her head.

The revolver was empty. Becki searched the officer's pockets to find no bullets whatsoever.

She sighed.

Becki walked out of the room and looked down the hallway to her left. A black-figured person rounded the corner and disappeared.

"What the..."

She ran down that same hallway and rounded the corner, but the figure was already gone. She continued down that hallway, slowly. Looking around, blood as usual stained the area, and bodies all over the floors. That's when an odd metal clanging could be heard from behind her.

Becki jerked her body behind her to see a wheelchair speedily coming towards her. The wheelchair slammed into her knocking her towards the ground. A large mass of black jelly-like bug type things started crawling out from the ceiling cracks, with some falling to the floor.

"What the hell?" she said.

The mass was sliding towards her. She got up off her butt and sprinted down the hallway.

Some of the bug creatures latched onto her arm.


She shook them off and continued running down the hall.

She saw open double doors at the end of the hall and started running towards them.

Finally making into them, she ran into the room and slammed the doors shut.

The mass of leeches pushed into the door, trying to force her off the door and get inside. While still holding the door shit she pulled over a metal bar which she barred the door shut with.

She seemed safe for now, but the leeches persisted. They squished through the cracks between the doors, and went behind her. Becki looked behind her to see a man smiling. The leeches swarmed into the man's mouth.

The man's clothes were bloody, ripped and stained with other things that could not be identified.

"Umm...hello?" Becki said nervously.

The man didn't repsond, but was still smiling.

Becki began walking away, doing her best to keep her eyes on him while also getting away.

The man's gaze followed her, and then he charged towards her.

Becki rolled out of the way, and the man went through the wall and into a patient room. The man wasn't human whatsoever, he was different.

"What the fuck is up with this town?!?" she said very loudly.

The man turned towards her again, still smiling creepily. He opened his mouth and the leeches swarmed out and slid towards, swarming her body and blinding her.

Becki screamed and fell to the ground, passing out from the pain of their sucking mouths.


Becki gained consciousness again, but as much as she tried, she couldn't move. A weird jelly like but hard substance was all around her. The substance was hanging from the ceiling, and she was hanging upsidedown.

She wasn't alone though, as many other bodies were in the same fate as her, though none of them were awake like her.

The entire room around her was covered in this gross jelly stuff.

There was a window right in front of her. Something was now walking near her, outside of the room was the sound of footsteps.

Something then appeared from the side of the window, it was that thing again. The man walked into the same room she was in, looked right up at her with that same smile. In the man's right hand was a syringe with a bright yellow glowing substance in it.

The man walked up to her and infected the syringe with the glowing substance in it. The substance glowed beneath her skin, and caused the veins and arteries in her neck to expand, making them visible under her skin.

Becki began getting dizzy and passed out again once more.

The man turned his back to her and walked out of the room. He stopped at the doorway and drops the syringe. He opens his mouth, ready to say something.

"When there's no more room in hell, us dead roam the Earth."

He laughs, and walks off into the darkness, leeches crawling all over his body.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2019 ⏰

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