First Day on the Job, and it's Bloody

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The 2000 Crown Victoria Police Interceptor raced down the cracked black concrete road. The yellow double lined line that separated the two lanes was extremely faded, making it hard to tell which lane was where.

" there?"

Aaron gripped the walkie talkie on his   tac belt and pressed down the PTT(press-to-talk) button.

"Yah, Aaron here, think I'm almost there."

"Yah alright, contact me when you've made it to the station."

A crackling noise went off on Aaron's walkie talkie meaning that the connection was cut off. Aaron turned the radio in the police car back up, Billy Joel's "Only the Good Die Young" was playing.

"You know that only the good die young
I tell ya
Only the good die young
Only the good die young" Aaron sang along.

"Well your mother told you all that I cou..." Aaron was interrupted by something.

A trailer truck was tipped on the side of the road, flames everywhere.

"What the fuck?!?!" Aaron said aloud.

Aaron got up out of the police cruiser and slammed the driver door behind him. He began walking up to the wreckage, the ground was soaked with fuel. He looked around the trailer truck to find an injured trucker near the front of the truck gripping his stomach. Aaron walked over to the man, he had already lost a lot of blood.

"Hey! You alright?!?" asked Aaron.

The trucker pointed to the back of the truck.

"Alright, I'll come back for you" Aaron assured the trucker.

Aaron speedily walked to the back of the truck. Loud banging and snarling sounds were coming from inside the trailer. Aaron walked to the back of the trailer and climbed up. It was pitch black, nothing could be seen. An awful smell was coming from inside the trailer.

"That smells awful" Aaron said in his head.

Aaron walked a little bit forward and then grabbed his tactical flashlight and turned it on. He swayed it all around the trailer to find blood everywhere. There was a trail of blood heading to the front of the trailer, meaning somebody was dragged. The snarling was still going on, and Aaron followed the streak of blood. There was a large box right around where the trail ended. Aaron walked slowly up to the crate, but stayed a little ways away from it. Aaron put the light directly behind the crate.

"Oh god!!!" Aaron said.

A man was on top of a bare skinned body. There was blood everywhere, and this person was just ripping the flesh right off of the body. Aaron pulled out his handgun from his belt and pointed it at the person.

"Hands in the air!" Aaron said to the person.

The head slowly turned around, the top skin that covers over your teeth was gone, and it's eye was popping out of the person's head. The person slowly opened it's mouth and large chunks of flesh and maggots dropped and hit the metal trailer floor.

"I said hands up" Aaron repeated.

The person snarled and then latched onto Aaron trying to bite him.

"Fuuuuuuuck" Aaron said while trying to throw the person off of him.

Aaron squirmed around finally throwing the person off of him. The person was on the floor, now crawling towards Aaron. The person grabbed onto Aaron's ankle and person it's mouth up trying to bite him. Aaron waved his leg around, and this motion pulled the person's arm right off. Aaron aimed his handgun at the head of this person with unknown gender and pulled the trigger. Bits of flesh and brain stained the trailer walls, and the gunshot rang off the walls, deafening Aaron. Aaron's lower half was stained with blood and other fluids. Aaron then headed turned himself around to the end of the trailer. A horde of these creatures were at the end with there arms up, and their voice boxes echoing that awful snarl.

"Fuck,fuck,fuck!" Aaron said aloud

Aaron began firing at some of the creatures, taking some out, but ultimately it didn't matter sense  as each one was replaced. The ground was still extremely soaked with fuel. In the back of the hoard was an officer with a pistol in his hand. The officer was also one of the creatures, and he was able to control his hand sending bullets from pistol to fire everywhere. A single bullet was then shot towards the trailer hitting Aaron in the shoulder.

"Ahhh!" Aaron screamed in pain.

But that's when all things went up in fire. A bullet from the pistol struck the fuel soaked ground causing everything to go up in flames.

"Shit!?!? It's gonna..."

A large explosion knocked Aaron out and shot him out of the trailer.

"Hey...hey...come on we gotta go!" said a voice.

Aaron's visions cleared from blurry to normal. There was fire everywhere, and those creatures were all around. Aaron looked towards the person, it was a woman in an army uniform.

"Wha..." Aaron said still out of it.

"We need to go!" the woman said.

Aaron finally got back into reality.

"Get to my damn car...go!" Aaron yelled.

They both sprinted towards the police cruiser. The woman slid over the trunk of the cruiser and got into the passenger seat. Aaron couldn't get in quite yet, those creatures were blocking his path. He fired a few shots taking out a few...but then one grabbed him from behind.

"Goddamnit!" he said.

It's nails dug into his arm, causing blood to drip off of him. Aaron stuck the pistol up into It's mouth and blew its brain dead head into pieces. The path was now clear for him to jump into the cruiser. He ran, quickly opening the door, and hopping in.

"Took you long enough." the woman said.

Aaron slightly chuckled, with a small smurk.

"What the fuck is going on here?" Aaron asked the woman.

"I know as much as you do so...yah" answered the woman

"Well I'm Aaron, and you are...?"

"Rebecca, but you can call me Becki."

"Let's head into town, maybe we can find some answers." Aaron told her

Rebecca shook in conformation.

The 2000 Crown Victoria Police Interceptor flew passed a sign.

"Welcome to Cruor* City", how ironic.

*Definition of cruor: the clotted portion of coagulated blood.

The police cruiser went on and over a large hill.

These two people, unknown of who either are, are now heading into a town...a town with no pulse.

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